What went so fucking goddamn horribly wrong in every fucking possible way?

What went so fucking goddamn horribly wrong in every fucking possible way?

Attached: 39645-jak-ii-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1126, 174.16K)

nothing, get fucked.

It was the first one I played so I thought that it was actually pretty good.

>t. Shitter that couldn't get out the docks

Amazing game, get good

Only thing I can honestly say I hate about the game is it did the "dark" turn that a lot of game franchises were doing at the time. I liked the first games feeling a lot more. Other than that, Jak II ain't a bad game at all.

It got infected with the edginess that took over video games in the early 2000s.

you were born

Naughty Dog was funded by Sony to make The Precursor Legacy just to show off the technological capabilities of the Ps2. I'm not sure if they had plans for a sequel until last minute or not, because the ending seemed tacked on and rather than going their own direction with the sequels it seemed like they tried to bank off of the massive success that was GTA San Andreas, which seems so considering the darker atmosphere, civilian killing, wanted level and carjacking that's present in Jak II.

I will forever love Jak I, II, and III. Jak X was neat but I'm not that into racing games and I never had a PsP so Daxter and The Lost Frontier will forever be unplayed unfortunately. I don't know if they gave away the licensing rights to third parties so they could produce the PsP games or if they just borrowed them, but I hope somebody gets off of their ass and makes a new Jak game.

It's a good game, I just don't understand why they made this a sequel to Jak. This has absolutely nothing in common with the first game.

First post, based post

Attached: 78f.gif (241x200, 315.81K)

Literally the ONLY FUCKING MISTAKE this game made was making it so that almost every enemy in the game hit you for two damage instead of one. This meant that you effectively only had four hitpoints and healthpacks were too fucking rare. If you could take EIGHT HITS before dying instead of FOUR HITS, the game's difficulty level would be perfectly balanced.

Get bent, the game was amazing.

Jak 2 & 3 and Ratchet and Clack were my favorite games as a kid.

shame that Jak had to go and steal weaponry from another great platformer to stay relevant. I actually preferred the no weapons platforming in the original Jak and Daxter

Nothing and it's one of PS2's best titles

The dark turn was actually well done. The Futuristic Communist hellhole under savage alien siege was an interesting setting that didn't look out of place with the game artstyle at all


>If you could take EIGHT HITS before dying instead of FOUR HITS, the game's difficulty level would be perfectly balanced.
You are joking, it would be easy as fuck

GTA clone while also alienating the GTA normies by being the hardest game ever made.

But classes exist within Haven City, and Baron's strongman demeanor is textbook fascism. Metal Heads are closer to communists

You're a retard. Fascism is a system if governce, communism is a economic system. They aren't not opposites and you can ans have had both at the same time (Nazi germany and current communist china)

How's the game on PCSX2? Is it still poorly emulated?

Bad checkpointing and generally unfun mission design.
It wasn't bad, but the first game is still the best.

what did he mean by this?

This is embarassing to read


Attached: El9zxriU8AAdhL-.jpg (2048x1123, 177.42K)

Fascism is when the government seizes control of the media and major powers.

Communism is when the government is controlled by the 1% of rich elites and the government tells people where to work. It is a shared state where people own what the government tells them to. It's not really an economic problem, it's a political kind of regime. The idea you're thinking about is Socialism, that is an economic solution offered in communism a lot of the time.

Attached: file.png (2564x221, 69.41K)

Was 'fuck' ever a word used in the Jak series? I thought it was only mild language.

This is some high level retardation, I'm guessing you got your communist information from a Uni both or reddit, the two aren't opposed or exclusive, Fascism is usually the governance system used to uphold the communist economic system.

>*Communism as described by a first year arts student

Boring missions and more concerned with being a GTA 3 clone for kids.

Based. Jak 2 is an awesome game and you're a pussy if you think it's hard.