PS5 sold out in Japan

Wtf, Zig Forums? I thought Japan hates PlayStation?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-11-05 PS5 Sold Out In Japan Pre-Orders Hit Limit And No In-Store Availability At Launch - PlayStation Unive[...].png (770x324, 24.41K)

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>Believing Zig Forums

>bu bu its sold out

Are Snoys really this desperate?

Not so much that it wouldn't sell out. Even Xbox sold out.

Sold out is the new cope.

Japan is a Switch country now.
They don't like snoy that much anymore.
Xbox isnt even on the map.

Demons'ss' Soles is coming out with it, everyone loves them souls games.

>They don't like snoy that much anymore.

Cant blame em.

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Do the Japanese like uncharted and tlou?

I really don't know what PS5 games a Japanese player would play at launch, at least the SX has Yakuza 7

What are you smoking? Playstation Is THE console for Japanese

Japs played Yakuza back in January.

why is sony even doing that to games that don’t get any attention in the west?

The biggest thing there isn't that preorders sold out, rather than they aren't giving stores any stock at launch for non-preorder sales. This probably means the PS5 will have a relatively low release week sales since 300k+ preorders are unlikely.
I assume this means they want to funnel all their available stock into the western market.

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Not sure about tlou but yes to uncharted

yes, japan is full of westaboos.

Because they are control freak

wow all 10 xboxs are sold out

Oh god, tell me this isn't happening xbros! What will we fucking do? Sonychads are destroying us again!

Cope, snoytranny.

wow all 459 piss5s are sold out

the wii looks like a dildo

We hate anything from the west because it is filled to the brim with futa and trap lovers here in Japan the youths in high schools bully westerners for being weak and ones who come here and try to bring there degeneracy here especially blm even some foreigner do it here seeking attention


slants still think sony is japanese, use your fingers to see reality

>Japan hates Sony guys
>keeps making games for Sony

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Where are they even going to put a PS5 in their tiny little homes?

impossible, nips are too small to bully westerners

It sold out in my 3rd world shithole too

These threads are manchildren and 14yo boys duking it out. No one cares except the virgins who post on Zig Forums. Sony and Microsoft will sell enough consoles to justify that console will get games. Neither console will turn into Google stradia.



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I remember watching videos on the subject about why Xbox failed in Japan and one of their main reasons was because the Xbox was a big console. Like, that was the actual point saying no average Japanese household had space for it in their living room, TV Stand, etc.
It was emphasized with the Xbox One vs Ps4 and yet, 7 years later the Playstation 5 is this humongous thing against the decent Xbox Series X. And yet it happened again?
Now what reason will they give for choosing PS5 over Xbox this generation?

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