Mouse starts double clicking

>Mouse starts double clicking.

Attached: 1easd (6).gif (880x513, 3.46M)

You lost pal? here, this way
Dont fucking come back

this anime was really sad at the start

They don't discuss gaming mice on Zig Forums

Attached: s-l640.jpg (640x480, 19.62K)

It's quite easy to fix if you can replace either the switch inside the mouse, or just the copper sheet on the inside of it.
I've resurrected my mouse with spare parts three times now.

fucking this. I double betted to trump

ditch the chink switches

>not buying 10 of them in advance so you're never stuck with a broken mouse
poorfag problems

>Mouse starts triple clicking

Attached: e6792efd59e8ac356969b1f49c5be03f.png (671x661, 503.28K)

Then half click.

A click is a click. You can't say you can do a half click.

>Keyboard starts misclicking

Attached: 2bb5e4df-3c0f-4494-b4e5-c7ac3b475ebe.gif (540x313, 1.97M)

I usually bang mine against my desk until it acts normal. Works for me.

Attached: 5e2.jpg (554x439, 105.74K)

>imagine falling for razr marketing
you deserve it

>space bar comes loose

Attached: sataniaangry.gif (498x460, 832.29K)

>half click.
dont get me fucking started

>mouse started double clicking
>use an AHK script to mitigate the problem as much as I can (but not fix it entirely)
>right mouse click has started to do the same, but much worse
Fuck sake, why does every mouse do this after 6 months to a year? I usually buy cheapshit mice, this time I splurged out on a "good" one. Same problem in the same amount of time.

You'd think I'm sort of retard who smashes his mice against walls or something, I treat them perfectly.

>Hit it hard against the table
>It actually works fine again


>been using the same Logitech keyboard since the year 2002
>still works mostly fine aside from the shift and enter keys which have been reduced to pudding
How? Keyboards are practically indestructible.

Start your PC with the mouse click held down ,when you reach your first click release

Half click

I would clean mouse consecutively and it still double clicked a bunch

I opened it up and cleaned the microswitches, I even rubbed it down with polymer. Nothing! Still came back week after week..

>Racing wheel starts double downshifting

>mouse wheel starts skipping

Attached: 1604336284996.png (634x640, 245.63K)

My Logitech K260 still works flawlessly for almost 8 years now. Sucks to be you Mechiefaggot.

>mouse wheel starts skipping a bit
>can kind of work around
>one day it goes ham, moving one notch makes it do thousands of scrolls, instantly zooming down any page
>just moving the mouse without touching the wheel causes it to sporadically scroll down
>have to disable my mouse wheel altogether via registries while I wait for my new mouse to ship

Attached: 1596153478591.png (788x605, 611.51K)

Stop buying gaymen mice. I've only used cheap mice and I've never had double clicking issues. The more expensive mice have more complex components, which means they're more likely to malfunction and produce errors like this. A mouse is just a simple input device, it doesn't need to have complex components inside it.

The worst part with this is when you drag something it occasionally goes off in the middle

>Webcam starts recording on its own

Attached: 4.jpg (770x699, 58.18K)

>key on mechanical keyboard stops clicking

Attached: 1451373267878.png (314x278, 128.65K)

>ww key starts double tapping

Attached: 1580022191934.png (1000x1000, 606.05K)

Look at all these lovely ladies in this thread. Plz be my GFs.

>side buttons stops working

>shitter tries to blame anything but himself

Attached: .png (192x172, 78.4K)