What are the most METAL games out there Zig Forums?

What are the most METAL games out there Zig Forums?

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Somewhere in Time is Maiden's best album, prove me wrong faggots.

Rock n Roll Racing
Brutal Legend
Slain Back from Hell
Devil May Cry 1 and 3

There's that one first-person Dark Souls rip-off. I forgot the name. It's alright, although I dropped it half-way as it wasn't really what I was looking for, and I wasn't particularly fond of the look they had going for everything.

Brutal Legend is for fucking faggots.

>Brutal legend
Hard mode: game needs to be good


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>Brutal Legend
What a shame it turns into a garbage strategy game

do you guys hate it because it's got jack black in it or is it something else?

i very much dislike jack black's style of humor and i admit that this game is kind of a mess gameplay-wise, but idk, i still had fun driving around listening to some good tunes and killing monsters with the guitar.



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I think it's for fags. I think it's a poorly designed and thought-out game that only got attention due to the licensed soundtrack and the celebrity voice-overs.

I cant, its true

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Sequel never ever

oh so it is because of jack black. ok.

Its just a boring game

>Not Powerslave
>Not Seventh Son

Somewhere in Time is good man but come on...

Ahahahaha, I can't believe I finally found a guy with a taste... on Zig Forums. Yes, I completely agree with you. I also like Fear of the Dark; the album, not the song. Song is kinda annoying. Also, in my opinion, Futureal is one of their best songs, Killers is bad, Powerslave is bad, everything after Brave New World is bad, and X Factor is underrated.
How the fuck is this a B side and not on the actual album?

Too long, otherwise very good

because Godsmack is more metal than any of you posers

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>3rd rate Alice in Chains


The most incel tier genre lol

>What a shame it turns into a garbage strategy game
You say that like any aspect of the gameplay was good. The combat was awful.
I actually like Pick of Destiny a lot, but Jack Black was awful in Brutal Legend, it's like he can't make up his mind about if he wants to do a character or just speak in his normal voice.

was it kino?

What do you listen to, user? K Pop?

>powerslave bad
>killers bad
found the special snowflake

Driving the car around listing to metal, ramming monsters down and seeing the scenery in free roam is the only good thing about the game. The core gameplay is complete garbage. The strategy like battles that takes over after the tutorial mission should have never existed.

Why is England the only country that can do Metal right?

Says shoegaze nigger

Yes it was. What about this?

I listen to kpop so I can fuck girls who listen to kpop

When you have an album with one good song, then yes, it is considered to be a bad album.

Here you go, I found it.


If you like the Conan The Barbarian look you should try it out.

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Sweden and Germany are pretty decent at it too

Burgers can do it good. See Iced Earth

Quake 2 if you can get a version with the soundtrack. The Steam version does not include it by default.

>My youtube crush said Q1 has better music and atmosphere
To each his own, Q2 is more metal. debate me.
>I saw a lot of people rocking out to Descent into Cerberon during that Doom concert thing, liking that will make me a reddit-tier normie!
nah, you are still a edgy and cool 4channer, Sonic Mayhem is legit

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you need to get your ears checked bro

I think the game had a pretty amazing thematic and visual aesthetic. It's probably half the reason I enjoyed playing it in the first place.

I am big into the euro fantasy power metal though, so that would explain that.

>people rocking out to Descent into Cerberon
I'm more Adrenaline Junkie guy

Thoughts on slain and valfaris?

Valfaris is pretty fucking metal