P-PC FPS are better and more advanced than Console FPS!

>P-PC FPS are better and more advanced than Console FPS!

Attached: 1463044668235.webm (640x480, 2.98M)

Attached: 1462957441519.webm (640x480, 2.98M)


>get shot 3 times at point black range
>realistically roundhouse kick the gun out of his hand

any game could have long canned animations for shit, but they don't because what is the point, the game becomes retardedly easy and overly cinematic if there's a 2 second animation if you shoot someone in the fucking foot

Umm, no? Whatever compromise you make on difficulty with realistic physics like this can be compensated through other means, like more AI, more intelligent AI, higher AI damage, etc.

Just face it, PC/Modern game devs are lazy and just apply ragdoll physics to everything. There's no excuse for why any single-player FPS shouldn't have realistic physics for getting shot.

It's fascinating to see the design parallels between GoldenEye/Perfect Dark and modern VR titles.

you have rose tinted glasses on bro
it runs at 15 fps with the terrible N64 controller iut's a mess go play that shit right now on the N64

There's some truth to long animations being a hinderance to combat difficulty. See Crysis 1 and those longwinded NPC knockdown animations. However, the elaborate animations of GE/PD gave the game a cinematic feel. Also, ragdolling lacks the soul of scripted animations. In PD, if you shoot an NPC while their back is to a wall, they stumble back into the wall, and slide down it. If you shoot them while they're near a chair, they slump against it. If you shoot snipers on ledges, they tumble dramatically over. It was all designed to evoke cinema. Martin Hollis called it "cinematic realism". It's why everything explodes when you shoot it. Why enemies got thrown dramatically by explosions. Why bullets KWINNNG past your head all the time. (Yes, bullets do this in real life), but it's making games mimic movie FX and especially BOND movie FX -- such as GoldenEye -- in a way that we really hadn't seen before.

First off, Perfect Dark and GE64 still BTFO some shooters coming out today, that's not a fair comparison to new shooters, new shooters are trying, okay? Don't bully them.
Secondly, I can literally play Perfect Dark and GE64 on PC at 60fps while consoles can't even really run them at 30fps.

Attached: TECHNOLOGY - THE GAME.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

PD came out in 2000, my favorite FPS of all time. But Soldier of Fortune came out the same year and its technology is light years ahead of anything on consoles at the time. PS2 got it a year and a half later but it suffered usual PC to console port problems like idk the consoles weren't strong enough.
Both are amazing games, but you're wrong lmao.

Attached: SoldierOfFortune_PC_large_07.jpg (800x600, 91.25K)

You could just play the Xbox 360 remaster, you know.

>m-muh fps!
You have no excuse, retard. Actually animating bullet hit animations takes far more effort on the developer's end than making a game run at 60 fps.

>any game could have long canned animations for shit, but they don't because what is the point, the game becomes retardedly easy and overly cinematic if there's a 2 second animation if you shoot someone in the fucking foot

Attached: 1589322678859.png (929x921, 61.03K)

>that webm
>realistic physics

t. brainlet

PCfag here
I love Perfect Dark, I can play it on PC but I grew up with it on N64. I hope that one day a VR game has the same mocap-based damage model as perfect dark does, it's ripe for it.

Attached: N Bomb.png (582x357, 207.54K)

if you mean the physics of the bullet hitting the hitbox and triggering animations, then I don't know what say, most modern shooters still have that feature

He's right, even back then this resolution and framerate was a joke.

location damage is a meme
shooting weapons from hands is a meme
special animations for location damage is a meme
blowing off limbs is a meme
good riddance this shit is gone

what a shit opinion

he mad

your gimmicks are bad, kys

your opinion is bad, kys

you could shoot limbs off on PC at that point, so what?

God damn I miss soldier of fortune. I was able to get in some multiplayer with sof2 a couple of years ago. Installed it for some nostalgia and some mad lads were still playing.

This. Perfect Dark and GoldenEye are literally the greatest FPS games of all time. Nothing on PC can compete. Nothing on consoles can compete. There is no games that come close to the absolute perfection of two of the first FPS titles ever released and that's honestly sad.

That's why you play it on XBONEX

Attached: cope.jpg (610x343, 35.03K)

I disagree with the "nothing on PC can compete" statement but I'm not about to pick a fight with a fellow Perfect Dark fan. That webm in the post you replied to? It was recorded on PC with mouse and keyboard input. So is this webm.

Attached: Dethroated.webm (960x540, 1.96M)

Why is the camera angle and gun aim not locked together?

Attached: 1601307724922.png (361x354, 146.32K)

Why should they be? It's only now that we're getting back to this (better) way of doing things thanks to VR. It's stupid your aim is tied to the camera in 99% of FPS games.

you have to enter a separate aiming mode (which makes you unable to move) to aim

ancient console mechanics