I for one did not expect an mmo to make me cry

i for one did not expect an mmo to make me cry

Attached: FFXIV_SH_The_Crystal_Exarch.png (1080x1845, 1.58M)

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What's the name of the music track when his hood blows back?

you're a sissy slut

better a sissy slut than a dumb faggot

>do my best to hold it in the entire time
>"tis good to be awake"
>mfw I can't hold it in any longer

Attached: 1599998857210.jpg (640x632, 91.98K)

tomorrow and tomorrow

>defending for 100 years, keeping you in mind as an example the whole time
>at the end of it all, his last desire is to go on an adventure with you

fucking best boy

I absolutely loved that the game does not pretend at any moment that his identity isn't lowkey obvious. like, it doesn't matter or feel annoying if you figure it out beforehand. the writing of his character and direction of his reveal was 10000% perfect. I called who he was from the start and still bawled when the hood came off

dis game hits hard :'(

>his entire plan depended on (You) not figuring out who he was so he could pretend to be a villain at the end
>Literally in the first dialogue choice you can go “Hey G’raha Tia whats up man?

his reaction to that is precious
i was not ready for it

more like final fanasy snore-teen cause it's so fucken boring

>pretends to be the bad guy
>within 10 seconds Y'shtola calls him out for lying
>instead just says some utterly heartbreaking honest shit about playing his part as a side-character to the best of his ability, fueled by his overwhelming belief in you
>hood blows back as the music swells

tears still flowin

good one

pretty game

Attached: Alphascape4.jpg (1920x1080, 479.52K)

>that ending to the Elidibus storyline
>the ending to the Ascians

Attached: Sad_Poyo.png (1277x671, 194.09K)

Basically made himself into a fucking time paradox just to save ONE Shard from the whole villain conspiracy, whilst fathering it and defending it from it's enemies for a 100 years.

I hate the cat race in this game, but this guy is legitimately great.

Attached: Crystal Exarch.jpg (1600x900, 378.46K)


And he was a fucking sidequest npc from an Alliance raid like 8 years ago.

Graha Nuhn is the greatest fujobait ever convinced. The second, third, and fourth are also all in ShB.

So do future Emet and future Elidibus get what they want in the Bad Future or do they get what they fucking deserve courtesy of based Middy

Attached: MV5BOGE4MmVjMDgtMzIzYy00NjEwLWJlODMtMDI1MGY2ZDlhMzE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzY0MTE3NzU@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (480x360, 34.21K)

They get what they fucking deserve courtesy of Zodiark

“The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.”

Did you really make it through heavensward without tearing up at any point?

Given that Omega's logs aren't filled with insurmountable, unyielding rage and lust for murder, I can only assume that Mid is still dead in that future. It's unlikely that either of them are on the Source anyways. Emet is back on vacation, depressed as ever, even moreso if he had the same inkling who we were as in our timeline, and Elidibus is still a deluded god continuing his crusade on the next shard.

I thought Omega only gave a shit about Shinryu.

>I can only assume that Mid is still dead in that future
Brother, have I got a tale for you


i mean i'm not fucking soulless - Haurchefant/Estinien story beats got em going

You should do the Omega raids.
Shinryu was just a quick assassination gig he did. Midgardsormr is The reason he was created, the reason he left his home and the reason he lost everything, including his memory, as he had to lose it all to survive the trip to chase after him. The only thing that remains is that he needs to kill that fucking dragon, and then keep evolving himself further and further. Maybe that way he can discover his old home, and how to get back.

Ahh, that explains it. He awakens after Omega's logs end. Would've been fun to see that scene from Omega's pov. He didn't have to deal with his own past for 200 years and now that guy is back, approaching the prime of his power again while he is a rapidly failing toy.

Did somebody say teens?