Ryzen 5950x beats Intel i9 10900K

12% more performance in most games.

AMD also claimed that its high-end model will surpass Intel’s competitor, the Intel Core i9 10900K. AMD’s Zen 3 architecture promises to offer a higher boost clock, significant IPC uplift, new core layout, and a new cache topology. In fact, AMD also claims that Zen 3 offers a 19% increase in single-thread scenarios over the previous-gen CPU lineup.

AMD will release four SKUs based on Zen 3 arch later today i.e. November 5th. These four models are: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X and AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, respectively.

YouTube’s ‘Pichau‘ has tested a variety of games, including Microsoft Flight Simulator. In this really demanding game, the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X is faster than the Intel Core i9 10900K. The Witcher 3 also appears to be running significantly faster on the new AMD Ryzen 9 CPU.

Ryzen 9 5900X vs Core I9 10900K em 16 Games 1080p | RTX 3070
According to Kitguru, Grand Theft Auto 5 also performs better on both the AMD Ryzen 5950X and the 5900X CPUs. However, there are some games in which the Intel Core i9 10900K appears to be performing better.


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"yes master, give me more ubitower games"

>all this power
>no good modern games to use it on

Don't worry, they will come.
The game industry is so big now that they constantly make good games by accident while doing a flood of shit.

>10900K BTFO by a 5600X
>next Intel generation removing cores to boost frequencies just to get on top of single core benchmarks

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>screw open console
>there is a computer inside

>almost monopolise the market
>fuck it up somehow

no shit serlock, the xbox was originally mocked because it was literally just a PC with Halo.

And it's just twice as expensive as a 9900k.

Nice try, AMDlets

>no shit sherlock
all I wanted was a hamburger

>quad core

yeah bigger numbers are cool but how about the gpus and the availability of said gpus

>buying 500+ dollar cpus in order to benchmark CSGO at 1080p

if you haven't figured out by now that you need a bot to buy a new gpu within a year of its release, you deserve that consolation 2080 Ti

>he never saw a CPU benchmark in his whole life
The whole point of the testing conditions is to remove GPU bottlenecks.

amazing, 100 fps more CSGO at 1080p! now the shitty 9900k is totally obsolete as it can only get 700fps!!!! BUY AMD NOW

Before you oversuck AMDs cock, consider this:

5950X - 800 USD
10900K (K!) - 580 USD

Considering the difference in performance, I wouldn't be so jumpy and over-joyous regarding these two. Sure, AMD is more efficient, I'll give them that. But price/performance difference isn't massive and Intel CPUs will inevitably get EVEN cheaper with the release of 5950X.

I'm not trolling, just some food for thought.

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The fun with AMD is that they use exactly the same die for everything, even the cheaper chips.
Even if you buy a poverty 4c4t Zen 3, you're still getting a shitload more performance.

This but ironically. I like how Nvidia popularized the use of workstation parts for gamers and now amd is doing it as well. My i3 and 6700xt have played everything I wanted at 1440p 60 fps. Even some of the heavier stuff. Anything over an i5 equivelent for gaming is overkill unless you're doing rendering and streaming and even then an external recording device is almost 100% better than screen capture software

You don't need the 5950x to beat the 10900k, the 299 dollar 5600x is beating it in most cases.

i didnt get scammed into the 20 series
fuck jews

Oh. Shit. I forgot about the cheaper ones... Welp, here goes my argument.

>800 USD
cool, now compare the 5900X and the 10900K like you're supposed to :^).
Nobody buys a fucking X950 to play video games.

AMD has finally surpassed Intel and I say this as someone with a 10900kf.

This is why people are actually hyped about the chips.
10900k performance for a cheapass price.

>all this intel cope
time for AMD to take their throne again


Oh fuck you, AMD had done that in the past with their line of Athlon64's. They were amazing and made Intel finally drop the fucking P4 architecture and go with Mobile P3 one instead, turning it into the i7's. But those Athlons were awesome for a 2-3 years.

retard, everyone benefits from ryzen because ryzen is in every consoles and pc.

>5800X costs twice as much as my 3700X
Looks like next gen's not for me...

>next Intel generation removing cores to boost frequencies just to get on top of single core benchmarks

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Lisa Su will have to remove a lot of dust from this throne that been vacant since 2003

I bet the 5600 is an upgrade for you.

fuck I'm getting a PC now.
I'm tired of this dual core shit.


holy shit they actually did it

That's true btw. This is literally the only thing they can possibly do to reasonably rehash Skylake for the 5th time. If they crank up the frequencies with the amount of cores it has now then you'll literally have Chernobyl in your house, minus the radiation.

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I'm not sure that going from 8 to 6 cores would be an upgrade in current climate desu. Pretty sure next gen consoles all have 8 cores.

Show MS Flight Sim

by this metric if they release a 5600 non x itll take over amazing

Attached: firefox_2020-11-05_17-24-50.jpg (1920x1080, 257.96K)

But how will it perform for emulation?