Holy shit this is so bad compared to the first one. I’m only 2 hours in but

holy shit this is so bad compared to the first one. I’m only 2 hours in but
>jobs are unfun and suck
>Travis is ugly for some reason
>no overworld
I know it’s too early to write it off but what the hell. The songs are cool so far though

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oh no not the overworldorino
not the overworldoggers

what will do we do whitout the overworlddogoggersrino

Not mentally ill btw

>jobs are unfun and suck
They are now actual minigames and not shit you repeat a thousand times.
>Travis is ugly for some reason
>no overworld
Wise choice considering the first one had A LOT of fps issues and it was badly implemented.

It also feels a lot easier

eeee wat? 2 is better in all except story in every possible way user

>Travis is ugly for some reason
Well duh, he isn't Henry.

Travis’ character model looks a lot uglier than it did in the 1st one. Also the 8 bit games are much more of a chore than the 3 mins garbage collecting mini game from the first one

The overworld fucking sucked in 1 even though I still like 1 more than 2. There's nothing fun about driving through a lifeless world between jobs. Even if you say "that's the point it's a parody!" it's still shit. Maybe if they merged some of the killing missions into the world seamlessly it could have been interesting. But even then it still wouldn't be enough.

Or just made all of the jobs available on the map without needing to accept one and then go to where it's located.

NMH2 has just beaten out Mario 3D All Stars on the US eShop charts

They reduced character polycount to make bigger enemy counts and increase level complexity. It's a pure gameplay vs graphics choice as the wii was a shit system.

mental illness

Jobs are better, though

From what I remember, it gets much much better later on, although the bosses kind of suck nearly all the way through the game. However if you don't enjoy spraying bugs and flipping burgers, there won't be more mini games so don't get your hopes up there.

So is this also getting ported to everything and their mother like TSA was?

I too hated the lack of an overworld, some were happy to see it go, but I rather enjoyed tearing it up on the schpieltiger. You haven't seen anything yet, just wait till you see how you progress through the "50 assassins" and who the final boss is. This game was a reminder from suda to all of his fans that this series is not meant to have a serious plot and he is a massive troll.

2 is literally a soulless version of 1.

After replaying MH1/2 I have come to a realization they are soulless games compared to TSA

It also doesn’t really make sense
>NMH1 reveals the assassins association was a con and never existed
>2 immediately opens with it being a legitimate thing

It was created because people learned about the association and thought it was cool. It was a product of high demand.

>>jobs are unfun and suck
Just like in the first game

>They are now actual minigames and not shit you repeat a thousand times.
The gas pump minigame from 1, while being much easier and mindless, is also quicker and makes the same amount of money on average as the minigames from 2. Some of the late-game jobs from 1 make considerably more money.
The minigames from 2 needed to not act like NES games and let you drop in and out faster. They waste more time while making less sense.

Overworld was complete shit in first one. Go from point A to point B on your shitty bike while nothing happens while city overall colors all grey and boring. "Amazing" gameplay, I tell ya.

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>jobs are optional and fun and actual minigames instead of being mandatory grinding hell to be able to continue the game
>thats a bad thing
not sure if you are stupid or not

People that cry over the removal of the overworld are the type to prefer more content regardless of quality they just think having a giant pile of shit is better than being spared of it's stench.

I don't get why people complain about driving around in 1 when you get to places in like 20 seconds if you just boost and do drifts to fill the boost meter.

I’m fighting the second boss now with the giant robots and this might one of the most unfun things I’ve ever played. NMH1 is an 11/10 this so far is a 3/10

Does anybody know if the Switch ports will ever be getting physical carts?
I'd pay a fortune for those things.

doubt it


Here's the catch:
If you don't care about any of the stuff you spend money on in NMH2 then it's the better option because you just ignore everything and that's it.
If you do care then it's infinitely worse than NMH1, because the jobs in NMH1 on average require less effort and time while earning you more money. The minigames in NMH2 are ok the first time around, and then they become a repetitive slog that still requires time and a certain amount of concentration and effort.

>>jobs are unfun and suck
Everyone hated NMH jobs and grinding for the next entry fee.
>>Travis is ugly for some reason
Another complaint was that NMH had very few enemies. They reduces poli count to put more enemies on screen.
>>no overworld
The biggest issue with NMH 1 was the empty and useless overworld.

These 3 things are the 3 biggest issues of NMH. You have shit taste.