Games only you played

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nah i played that a lot too

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Pretty sure Chip's Challenge came free with Windows 95 or something. I know I had it but I never intentionally installed it. It's not as ubiquitous as SkiFree or Minesweeper, but I'm sure a lot of people over 30 have played it.

Holy shit, barely remember this.

This is now a hamburger music thread:


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I doubt I'm the only who played it but I've never seen anyone post it

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That girl damn well better have put out after all the bullshit Chip had to go through.

I would guess almost every single person on Zig Forums older than 30 (all 10 of us), have played this shit. It's like posting Rodent's Revenge or Ski Free.

played a crazy frog game on PC, it was very similar to the NASCAR Cartoon game. fun times

Any user got some cool old PC games to recomend? Shit we played as a kid, I recommend pic related, and "Abuse" is pretty neat as well.

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I'm 27 and played all those and pipe dream. Late grandmother was into pcs when they started coming out with early windows so I was lucky as a kid to play that shit.

Acrually thanks to her I played the fuck out of Halo 1 and Rome 1 demo on PC.

>tfw the sequel is forever trapped in OG Xbox
Also, special mention for Starlancer

What happend to Nicotine alien? I cant find him on the internet at all

I've yet to see someone that played this. I remember in /vr someone played the sequel that takes place in London.

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I'm so mad because there IS a game that apparently only I played.
I remember in 6th grade my computer class had a floppy disc game that involved "computer bugs" that were actual cartoony insects that you needed to send back to the recycle bin. I wanna say the gameplay was something like chuchu rocket where you used tiles to change the direction of movement.
For the life of me, I've never seen any mention of it anywhere, and all the searches I've done turn up nothing. I swear the title was something like "Yoinks!" but nothing ever shows up related to that name. I remember it so vividly, but recall just little enough about it that I can never find anything.


For me it's Jezzball

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> The level that's all push-pads and you have to force-walk in split seconds to change tracks
> And it's a fucking maze
24 years later, I am still mad


Still in all my 14 years on this site and these kinds of threads I have never seen this one PC game I played after a school a bunch from around 2000~. Nor have I been able to find it or describe it properly. I think it'll be one of those things that is gone with the sands of time.

There's exactly one (1) mention of this game in the Zig Forums archive which makes me sad.

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Me, my brother and cousin, little kids with the dad's laptop.
Before the internet, before you could look for solutions online.
Getting stuck on a level for months on end.
Never finishing the game.

Those were the days.

Any way to play it on windows 10?

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What is a 2d sidescroller game where a guy walks in a forest and then there is something blocking a road or something? List all the 2d sidescroller games where a guy walks in a forest please. The guy was probably kid of large on the screen compared to NES games and the forest was possibly spooky and it might have been a PC game and is most likely a 90s game

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millions of PCs had this game

24 Games for Windows 95

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>List all the 2d sidescroller games where a guy walks in a forest please.
Not your game, but I'll start

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