Phantasy Star Universe Private Server

Play Clementine, the ONLY Phantasy Star Universe private server. Painstakingly developed by dedicated and unpaid fans for years, its finally released. No more resets.

Play with your friends, play alone, return to the cozy classics for this autumn season. Absolutely free, donation only with ZERO donation perks in game.

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>private servers

>Paying sub fees to Sega

how tf else are you gonna play? Official servers been dead for like 8 years.

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Nothing until that new one.

You mean PSO2? its not even a game anymore, its a room and outfit simulator. You'd have more fun playing second life.

Never played PSU, or any of the other PS games, is it accessible for a newbie and is it fun to play solo?
I don't have any friends that'd be interested in trying this out.

its totally doable to play solo the whole game, but theres so many other people playing you can just group up in lobby. Everyone is super friendly so far, haven't met a single asshole. I dont have any IRL friends that play either.

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Just play the singleplayer and realize why this game died the first time.

He means New Genesis

>lol bruh just play an MMORPG on singleplayer and realize it sucks
bigthink user

>New Genesis
you mean Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis?

You're right, he'd only notice that the combat is dreadful and boring and clearly held back by PS2-based design without also getting the atrocious netcode which means you're hitting enemies that died seconds ago. Because this dead game is so fucking involved that some faggots nostalgic for the 360 will save it.

stop being retarded on purpose

user I think its you whos retarded, its literally still PSO2. The fuck is wrong with you.

>hurrrr oldgame bad
go play your fucking chinese gacha faggot.

Its an expansion bro, you're the retard. Read about the game your mentioning.

>It took until a portable iteration of PSU to add in a dodge button into the series

In what world was that description "hurrdurr gamebad" all of those are legitimate issues and by name calling instead of refuting their points you're just showcasing what the community is actually like.

>comes into thread of thing he doesn't like advertising free server with free download of oldgame that no one forces him to play
>what a shit game, I will spend my time denouncing how shitty this 14 year old free game is instead of playing literally any other game ever

never gets old.

It's not bad because it's old, it's bad because it's Universe and got designed around an ancient system to cheat their exclusivity deal. It was known at the time that it was one of the worst entries into the Phantasy Star series, that's why they so desperately (and unsuccessfully) tried to course correct with Ambition. That's why the game was shitcanned at record pace and completely replaced by PSP AdHoc entries. The only people who actively prop this title up are 360 nostalgiababs and contrarians.
I like the Phantasy Star series. It's fun to discuss what went so horribly fucking wrong with this one in particular.

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Oh it's finally live? I will play it, thanks for the reminder user. I got to play a little a few months back when it was open for a few days on accident or something.

>The only people who actively prop this title up are 360 nostalgiababs and contrarians
or you know, people who enjoy just playing a game... Oh right we're on Zig Forums

>360 nostalgiababs
fuck, I just want to play Geometry wars anons.... the pain is real.

unfortunately some nigger named Kyu is 2nd in command and has free reign to do his retarded changes

you come into every single thread to say this. where did kyu touch you user? (also I have no idea who kyu is, im looking at their admin list now and theres no one named that)

>It was known at the time that it was one of the worst entries into the Phantasy Star series, that's why they so desperately (and unsuccessfully) tried to course correct with Ambition.
Sega actually said that PSU was far more successful than PSO in that polygon interview.
And they also said that PSO originally was skies of arcadia with rideable panzer dragoons. Crazy stuff.

Anyone want to play?

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I want to play with Japanese language but feels like that's an out of opinion

Did PSU ever even get the cool shit like blocking and dodging from Portable 2 on the JP side and is this private server running with those updates? Because not gonna lie if it doesn't I see no reason not to just wait for the english patch for Infinity that the devs said is actually supposed to finally come out by the end of this year.