Why this game is so fucking hated? It's amazing game and bungie did amazing job. Their best fps since halo 2. It has amazing gunfight, amazing visual, beautiful soundtrack and deep lore. It won't you p2w at all. You may stuck only in pve with friends for tons of hours, it has amazing secret quests. Yes pvp is letdown, but only 5-10% of game. And I don't understand hate about content, it's not MMO actually, it's more combined game. And you have giant amount of content. And you don't need p2w or someting actually, only buy deluxes expansions per year is enough to get everything actually.
I don't understand such amount of hate on this game. Except one shitty thing - cutting soon content.
Why this game is so fucking hated? It's amazing game and bungie did amazing job. Their best fps since halo 2...
No public match making. I dont have friends and it's boring to solo.
Why then you even bother play bungie fpses since halo? They literally designed for coop
because it's shallow as fuck and so easy a six year old can beat the whole game without dying
>pvp is only 5-10% of the game
the pvp has been the entire focus of the development team since destiny 2 launched you dumb shit
i had friends when i played halos 1-3
i dont have friends anymore
Is so fucking easy.
>the pvp has been the entire focus of the development team
talk to anyone who does pvp and they will call you on your bullshit so hard and fast
Plebs get a kneejerk reaction from the jewerverse shop and are too lazy/dumb to read the lore/wiki to get the real story.
Also, the pvp is super fucking mediocre despite getting marketed as almost equal to pve.
show your Enlightened, Blacksmith, Shadow, and Rivensbane seals then
>pvp is a letdown
I enjoy the pvp.