If most people hate picking support, why don't games stop making them mandatory?
I'm sure if you played a Moba, you were sitting at the character select screen with everyone cussing at each other telling someone to pick support. Or when you're in a ranked match in a game and there's a guy yelling on the mic that "we got no support GG FUCK YOU ALL"
You will see people instantly lock in the attack characters because they don't want to have someone tell them to pick support. You will see people leave games because there's no healer on the team. You will see people go into the biggest ragefits because their healer didn't save them.
It seems to me that support classes are ruining a lot of competitive games. Why are they mandatory if they're an anti-fun addition to the game for many people?
Yes some people like support, but there's a lot of times in mobas, or other games where I see people melt down because of lack of support. Matches becoming unwinnable because no one wants to pick support. Someone picks support even if they hate it, and now they're the one not having fun while everyone else is having fun. It's funny that if I pick support, my que time is like 3 seconds. But if I pick a non-support I got to wait at least 20 times longer to get a match.
Seems like a bad design decision to have supports required in games.
dota is the only relevant moba and supports are stupidly powerful in that game play lion and deal more damage than your carry for the first 30m or pick undying and trash the enemy while letting your carry miss every last hit playing support only sucks in shit games like league where you are expected to play like a crybaby bitch boy and babysit your retard carry for the entire game. Doing that shit in dota is just going to put you both behind and lead to losing the game.
The answer is to make support more fun. Most developers are brainlets though who think "press X to heal" with no other mechanics is an interesting design.
Connor Powell
People are idiots and there are already plenty of competitive games where support classes are not a thing. Tons of people have a hard on for huge damage numbers but they hate being one hit killed (really common theme in Nioh threads, everyone min/maxing into a pure glass cannon and complaining about dropping like a sack of bricks despite the countless defensive options the game throws at you). You can’t really have one without the other though, unless you just pointlessly inflate numbers for the sake of it - but even then, no one likes a bullet sponge either.
Brayden Long
I like playing support, but not when their only job is to heal people being able to buff teammates & debuff enemies is more fun than only healing people
Wyatt Clark
If everyone plays dps or tank you would be right in saying people dont want to play support. But as it stands support is being played and it is fun in some games. It's just that there's too many dumbasses who want to be the fragger when they suck dick at dps.
Tyler Taylor
support mains are subhumans who should be shot via firing line
Jason Ramirez
Because support is incredibly strong in every game its in, and having the ability to support adds depth
A simple example is tf2: some maps the choke points and defenses can be too dense for a team to break through, but a medic uber will allow a team to coordinate a push. Having someone healing during skirmishes is invaluable for applying pressure etc.
The problem you describe is that people are little bitches/most supports aren't fun, supporting in League or Overwatch is like wearing a kick me sign all game
Camden Ross
I feel people think support is a bitch role because in original dota it was a supporting role. But now in league you can carry harder than with your ADC if you get a great start and in dota you can easily win games as the 4/5. Supporting in OW can suck a dick though, especially given the only fun support Ana got castrated.
Lucas Adams
Support is hugely strong and popular in LoL ADC is what everyone dodge
Jaxson Ortiz
so in dota I mainly play position 5 or 4, but I enjoy playing core roles as well. Dota has a unique take on supports in that they are generally very strong early to mid game and then abruptly fall off once everyone buys 1 item. I don't see similar timings in other mobas. In LoL and hots, supports feel like back line supports the entire game. They are never really a solo threat to anyone. that really contributes to people not liking them. If you have to take a back seat and just help everyone else for the entire match, you never have a time to shine or feel like your input actually mattered. and really, it doesn't matter that much in those games.
the main reason people dont like playing supports is because you eventually have to put the game into the hands of the cores, and to have 30 minutes spent protecting cores so they can farm and win fights for you, only to have them do something stupid like die in the jungle iwth no buyback or try to take a 1v5 really feels like a slap in the face. "why did I just spend all this time for literally no payoff?" is the feeling I get from this. and I don't think there's a solution to that besides making matchmaking always put supports with cores that have higher MMR than them.
Josiah Cook
support is the bitch role because it has the lowest IQ requirement while also being impactful
Grayson Bell
When I was playing this shit, NOBODY wanted to play sup. It's tedious, wards, babysit your retarded adc, CC, etc.
Logan Martin
I have always played support since EQ becausei think making everyone do better and maintaining debuffs on enemy's is fun, support used to be a male only role because of how hard mana management was and how quickly things could go south if you were not paying attention, it was not till around late vanilla wow early bc that support was seen as a womans job, and not till MoP that the healslut meme took off which was stupid and wrong since most faggots and women played hunter like roles because of how east it was
Chase Flores
supports that can lock you up or nigger you with a hook like blitzcrank/thresh/pudge are chad.
Colton Thompson
>tfw you get forced into ADC by your 5 stack because literally nobody else wanted to play it and >but you played carry in dota user You're stuck clicking fucking creeps 90% of the game, if you're a millimeter out of position you get deleted, there's basically no way to snowball out of botlane, if the game reaches 25+mins and you're not king of gold mountain you better believe you're getting blamed. Fuck this role. At least I don't have to roll the "is my support retarded?" dice.
Druid in WoW is best healer/support ever. He can do really good damage in solo target, offtank, debuff enemies and still be top 1 healer among all classes.
Christopher Taylor
>He can do really good damage in solo target, offtank, debuff enemies LOLOL when was the last time you played the game?
Adam Cox
>Create free play mode >Let people pick and play whatever they want in goddamn free play mode >Don't try to force cancerous meta comps into mother fucking free play mode Mind boggling, I know
Grayson Clark
shaman in tbc would like to have a chat with you.
Wyatt Watson
A supp that knows when and how to engage a teamfight is way more serviceable than a fucking healslut t. supp main in league
Daniel Garcia
This is why I liked playing Lulu in LoL
Noah Howard
Games make them mandatory now because as long as there is a healer or support class a meta will be formed by the players around it. Then when people dont follow the non-enforced meta you get >"we got no support GG FUCK YOU ALL" Then it all goes downhill from there and eventually becomes Overwatch role queue. WHy waste time trying to balance heroes when you can force the same stale meta and then sell skins.
Grayson Adams
Only a spiritual kike would sneer at altruists actually trying to help others instead of pursuing ephemeral gratification.
Sebastian Hughes
a lot of the support picks in mobas were never meant to be supports and they just took them into lane and the devs had to play around that. >Gragas >trundle >nautilus
Asher Adams
There's a reason captains of pro-teams largely play support. They do the bulk of the thinking and planning off-screen and leave the dirty work to the carry and mid.
Isaac Reyes
>playing mobas and that's where you made your mistake, ASSFAG
Jack Price
This, but bukkaked by their team instead
Landon Sullivan
i havent play lol in a few years but I'd add blitzcrank, annie, lux, thresh, and maybe leona to that
seems like LoL devs don't believe in the concept of semi-carries or mid game heroes
Nicholas Fisher
Because everybody wants support Support class is like a bath or going to sleep Nobody want to do it but once you do it, it's comfy af
Trundle support is a thing these days? That's kind of hilarious. I'm glad my guy found a place.
William Lopez
nah trundle isn't really a support, but that being said you can still manage to make a fun win out of that in low elo.
Adrian Hall
Not really Leona shits on all of them
Cameron Brooks
Now Regielecki needs to move insanely fast.
Isaiah Gomez
>If most people hate picking support, why don't games stop making them mandatory? It's exactly the opposite, any game with a support option has a major support community. And that's actually a bad thing.
There's this "support mafia" as I like to call them that insist their character has to be super strong and impactful. They have controlled games like Overwatch for years - you probably didn't know about it but every time there was a Mercy change it caused insane amounts of salt and seething.
But this even applies to games where you wouldn't expect it, like shooters. The mafia was at it again with Lifeline in Apex. She has always been a strong pick but they just keep begging for buffs. It's crazy -- even when they buffed Gibralter, didn't even nerf, LL, they started whining, "NONONO YOU CAN'T LET HIM PICK PEOPLE UP FASTER THAT'S MY GIMMICK". So Respawn gave them blue bin bonus loot, and it still wasn't enough. Now she's outright broken with mid-fight ressing.
Adrian Young
>Leona shits on all of them Expected. Leona has always been THE bodyguard character.
Asher Stewart
Any engager chads here? I love playing Leona, Naut, and Alistar.
Asher Turner
Disregarding your nonsense textwall, supports exist because Mobas bring people of various playstyles and mindsets together. Supports naturally are going to exist in a moba even if you make everyone a carry simply because of how some people play the game. I play Legion Commander as an initiator/support. People who meltdown over lack of support are people who aren't team players, they're just whiny twitch zoomers who want to play DPS all day and do nothing. The real chads play tank, or support, and the gigachads play a DPS who coordinates with the team, and either follows the team leader, or has great callouts as the leader himself. Supports are great. Removing supports because of bad DPS players is fucking stupid.
Thus, your idea is dumb.
Justin Mitchell
>screaming autists hate picking support fixed, but not really. shame that's the biggest part of player base in such games.
Julian Garcia
Support classes aren't fundamentally awful, game devs just need to fuck off with W+M1 healslut characters. Support characters should have SOME active input on how every fight plays out, beyond sucking off their teammates.
Yes, it has become bad game design because too many developers have copied that...I guess you could call it trope? It's like with the healers too where you have some braindead tank just drawing aggro and a mindless healer standing back and spamming healing spells; stuff like this has just become a standard and made too many games and their gameplay to be...mindless. But the sheeple gobble it up like they do with mobile phone microtransaction slot machines. What can you do?
I think OP's point is that you shouldn't have a design that forces someone to play a role that most people dislike playing
Josiah Flores
despite the memes and shitposting, OW actually has fun supports, they're not all fun, but the more unique ones are, and then there are the healers that are more dps with just some passive constant healing like Zen and Lucio
Nicholas Young
Again, the issue is players then. You should have more multirole characters similar to what suggested but you absolutely should curb the DPS brained retards who play your game and teach them to either be better or get out.
Lucas Howard
For sure. Nothing sexier than getting an easy first blood with flash q headbutt towards turret combo.
Camden Ortiz
For me, its braum, blitz and panth
Carson Sanders
I wish i was crazy enough to main Bard, it's just too fun to mess with the enemy team with portals and roaming
Gavin James
>that short period of time where sett support was a thing
Isn't he good supp anymore? I played a game as him supp a week ago and i was amazed at how broken he was
Aiden Morales
The problem is not having a support class. A support class can be fun ...when your teammates aren't retarded. Which is like 90% of the time. Unless you give your support class a means to ditch their heal/buff target and hold their own, the class is useless because the average IQ of a pubbie is only a few points above that of your average twitter user, and they can't be relied upon.
Jayden Bennett
Awesomenauts had a pretty interesting take on healers that made them way more interesting. There was a character whose auto attack was a heal beam, and he would occasionally shit out a drone that you could blow up on the enemy (max of 3/4 depending on upgrades), making him really strong up close. One of his skills put down a healing field that you could outfit with damage/knockback. You just have to give them damage capabilities.
Luis Turner
If your game needs support to work it's a shit game. Simple as. Play something better
Chase Hall
For me, it's when i have vision at the other side of a thin wall and combo the fuck out of a roaming noob