So continuing an earlier thread about how Silent Hill's plot is fucking nonsense. What happens after the Maria ending? Does James take his Silent Hill monster GF back to civilization? What are the implications?
So continuing an earlier thread about how Silent Hill's plot is fucking nonsense. What happens after the Maria ending...
Yeah. I imagine their relationship is really unstable with a lot of sex in between so James doesn't feel too bad. The question is could Maria get pregnant?
>What happens after the Maria ending? Does James take his Silent Hill monster GF back to civilization?
No one knows.
>What are the implications?
That she's probably going to end up like mary.
this is why the gaijin ruined SH
they demand everything to be explained
Same reason why they just fucked up their own gayming horror masterpiece about the trials and tribulations of a man descending into a metaphorical hell with another new entry that explains way too much last month
This. That ending is meant to imply that James hasn't learned anything from facing his nightmares and is thus doomed to repeat them until he does. This purgatorial theme practically defines the entire series.
>That she's probably going to end up like mary.
that much is obvious, but isn't she a monster like Pyramid Head and the Nurses etc.? Can she even leave Silent Hill?
It's not even hard to understand. James has once again chosen to evade his guilt instead of truly resolving it, and now he has to repeat this karmic cycle of punishment.
Like everything in this game it's all assumptions, but imo Maria ending the girl is resurrected as a human being instead of a SH monster, but she has the exact same sickness Mary had, so James is going to relive all that hell again
Why does this even matter? Whatever she is, she's a symbol of James' base desires, and thus the game revolves around whether he metaphorically succumbs to them or becomes a better person. The entire series can be interpreted as a metaphor for the process of guilt.