Is anyone actually, unironically interested in the new consoles? or is it just MS and Sony shills shilling each other?

Is anyone actually, unironically interested in the new consoles? or is it just MS and Sony shills shilling each other?

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I haven't seen a good reason to own a stationary console since the 7th generation. PCs just do everything better and in the longterm cheaper than traditional consoles.

I don't really give a fuck. desu I'm spending a lot on camera gear at the moment; so I need to focus on that. I'll just be over here with my PCs and Switch.

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It's silly to be excited over platforms, yes.

>Are shitposters shitposting?

Yes OP.
And to answer your question, no, I do not and will not give a shit about either console until they actually have some games that make them worth buying. Ask again in like 2-3 years and maybe the answer will change for the PS5, the Xbox is meaningless to me since I can just play Microsoft exclusives on my PC. Will probably get game pass though.

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>Why yes, I only play on PC and Switch, what gave it away?

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Mildy interested but not enough to buy one.

yeah, i'm getting Series X because my computer is too weak and i can save up like 500 bucks at this moment. Series X allows me to play the latest ubikino at a higher graphical quality while PS5 is going to be a Demon's Souls machine for me.

Not interested. Cant go back to comfy PS2 era comfy games and nothing really interests me on the line-up. Also...
>buying a console on launch instead of waiting for the slim version with lower price, better thermals and lower wattage

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there's no new games, mechanics, gameplay, functionality, animation improvements, better IA, interesting gimmics; the only improvement we'll see is graphically and performance wise (resolution / fps), which i dont really care, so no; im not interested in the new gen as a whole.
all we can get that is good is graphics and writing, but still in rare cases.
Games will be stuck on the same formula for some more years, so there's no reason for hype IMO

they are like 'ps4 pro duo' or something
nothing spectacular

It seems like these past 7 or so years have eroded any sense of concrete consoles and generations. People just follow a brand at this point. Also and

Mildly curious but until they have games to talk about I don't really care.

It's just shills bro, nobody here actually cares.

both won't be worth buying until 2+ years with discounted games like every new gen.

Im only interested in the potential games, the actual machines not so much

there’s no games I’m interested in on either console yet, maybe in a couple years from now once there’s games I may consider getting one

I’m happy with my Switch and PC honesty

I might get a PS5 in a few years if small Japanese developers keep only putting their stuff on it, but that doesn't seem too likely.

I’ll probably get the PS5 in 2022 or 2023. I’ve been raised on Sony consoles but besides PS2 because Jak and Daxter came out so earily, I don’t usually get them until a few years have passed and there’s games I can’t live without. Something like Persona 6.

Pretty much this. AAA games have completely stagnated. Budgets being as big as they are means games have to play it as safe as possible, and as such, we end up with a $100M tasteless grey paste. Indie games on PC is where it's at for the forseeable future.

Not really, current gen has shown me how fucking pathetic AAA devs and tech companies are. It’s rinse and repeat and live services aren’t going away and now they want to charge more for their bloated shovelware they can fuck off.

My PC took a shit a while ago but it was so much fun playing 4X and games like Arma and the little indie Retro shooters. Even AAA games were better for the most part. At this point, now that I have decent paying job I have no qualms about spending more for a good PC, just waiting for the 3080s to not be scalped.

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No interest; I'm still buying games for 3DS/Switch/Vita/PS4. I'll let everyone else kill themselves trying to keep up with new tech lol


When they make exclusives, emus

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Some user the other week posted a racing game webm - I clicked it and it looked fun as hell, it gave me the same feeling from years gone by where games just invited you to try them. It was released in 2009, I think it was Midnight Club. Games now don't do that (for me). They all look the same, tired fps/tps with ""realistic graphics"" and are like every other modern tv show that ticks all the woke boxes while being about as entertaining to play or watch as bleeding out.

Persona 6 won't come out until 2027 at the earliest because fatlus is retarded. Imagine unironcally buying a console for 1 game. And a fatlus game at that.

>everyone that's interested in anything is a paid marketer
Kill yourself stereotypical rick & morty nihilist.

I'm interested after year 1 or 2 when the actually finished version comes out and mass testing is done.

the trans flag on the desktop

Just likr everything else on the internet in current day, it is 99% astroturfing.

There's a difference between being interested in something and being part of a company's defense force and spending every waking minute justifying their actions on the internet.

>there's a difference between what people actually do and get called a shill for, and this magical piece of fiction I just made up

>XSEX has literally no games
>PS5 flagship title is a godamn remake

The console threads has to be shills, who the fuck would give a shit about the new gen? New consoles are both ugly as shit and just a little better than ps4/xbone. It's a huge fucking nothingburger.

I'll pick one up eventually, probably a XSEX, but I've got a PC and Switch already. But it's really about the games, and man, there's nothing coming out that I'm interested in, except maybe Bugsnax.
