>ITT: games that are the epitome of okay, the definition of fine, the monarchs of mediocre
I had fun playing Death's Gambit but it copies the most surface level aspects of Dark Souls and applies them to a game incredibly short on content. When it was announced it seemed like it would be a really good 2D Souls but there's several other games that have done the 2D Souls thing or some aspect of it far, far better.
Okay games
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Dark souls 2
There is no such thing as a "2D Souls"; being 2D automatically makes you a completely different game from a Souls game.
Don't be autistic.
A 2D game with action gameplay and RPG elements is either a Metroidvania or an action platformer, genres that existed even as earlier as the arcade era.
To be a Souls clone you need to fulfill a list of characteristics, being a 3D game among them.
Yes but the games intention is clearly to copy Dark Souls albeit in a 2D format. It's a (poor) metroidvania, yes, but a metroidvania that's attempting to be Dark Souls.
You can't copy Dark Souls on a 2D format because being 3D is one of the aspects that defined both the original games and their (actual) clones.
It's like making a 2D platform shooter and claiming that is a Doom clone because you shoot and kill vaguely-diabolic things.
>You can't copy Dark Souls on a 2D format
You can't copy the 3D aspects of it. You can copy everything else.
Deaths Gambit would be the equivelant of a 2D action shooter having a glory kill system to regenerate health, a dedicated melee weapon to generate ammo, the same game speed, diabolic enemies, an electro metal soundtrack and the strongest weapon is called the MFG. Don't be a fucking retard.