Okay games

>ITT: games that are the epitome of okay, the definition of fine, the monarchs of mediocre
I had fun playing Death's Gambit but it copies the most surface level aspects of Dark Souls and applies them to a game incredibly short on content. When it was announced it seemed like it would be a really good 2D Souls but there's several other games that have done the 2D Souls thing or some aspect of it far, far better.

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Dark souls 2

There is no such thing as a "2D Souls"; being 2D automatically makes you a completely different game from a Souls game.

Don't be autistic.

Attached: ye.png (350x419, 299.29K)

A 2D game with action gameplay and RPG elements is either a Metroidvania or an action platformer, genres that existed even as earlier as the arcade era.
To be a Souls clone you need to fulfill a list of characteristics, being a 3D game among them.

Yes but the games intention is clearly to copy Dark Souls albeit in a 2D format. It's a (poor) metroidvania, yes, but a metroidvania that's attempting to be Dark Souls.

You can't copy Dark Souls on a 2D format because being 3D is one of the aspects that defined both the original games and their (actual) clones.
It's like making a 2D platform shooter and claiming that is a Doom clone because you shoot and kill vaguely-diabolic things.

>You can't copy Dark Souls on a 2D format
You can't copy the 3D aspects of it. You can copy everything else.

Deaths Gambit would be the equivelant of a 2D action shooter having a glory kill system to regenerate health, a dedicated melee weapon to generate ammo, the same game speed, diabolic enemies, an electro metal soundtrack and the strongest weapon is called the MFG. Don't be a fucking retard.

Thank you, user. I think he might be baiting us though.

1. Being 3D is a fundamental aspect of the "Souls" concept, no matter how much you copy the other concepts. It's like claiming that you're Conservative because you don't drink, swear or smoke, go to church every sunday and believe on nationalism and a pure ethnostate, while being homosexual and dating other men.
2. All of those aspects you claim to copy weren't invented by Souls and were used by other games decades before Demon's Souls was an idea inside From's developers. You're just copying an action platformer that already existed. Just look at this post:
>"Doom is the only game with fast combat or metal soundtrack"
See what I'm talking about?

I'm not baiting. I'm just sick and tired of people trying to sell me their Metroidvanias / Strider clones by claiming they're 2D versions of 3D games, which is an oxymoron.

Okay then,
*Death's Gambit is one of a slew of 2D action platformers and Metroidvanias that took inspiration from and copied aspects of Dark Souls, but several other 2D action platformers and Metroidvanias released during the last decade that take inspiration from Souls have managed to do a far better job of copying certain Souls features and inserting them into 2D.

>Death Gambit
>Dead Cells

Rank them. I heard dead cells is great, gambit is averagez no clue about the last but I like the edgy art. Not sure which one to pick

Much much better.
See how you can promote your game without being dishonest?

>i'm shilling the game i'm lamenting was mediocre
user pls

I haven't played Dead Cells but I'd definitely put Blasphemous above Death's Gambit. I just finished Blasphemous and got far, far more enjoyment out of it than Gambit. If you're considering getting it I would absolutely recommend it, but if you're a mustard you sadly just missed it on sale for half-price on Steam.
However, with Blasphemous I absolutely would agree with autistic-but-accurate user and say that it being regarded as a 2D Souls isn't very accurate. Blasphemous draws on Souls in stuff like healing flasks, gothic atmosphere and bonfires, but for the most part it's a straight forward Metroidvania: you can upgrade your weapon and equip different charms and relics but there's no alternate weapons or armour and no stats to level up, and it's focused more on backtracking to find secret upgrades and access new areas with equips that do stuff like make new platforms appear. So, if what you're looking for is 2D souls then maybe get something else.
Salt and Sanctuary is the obvious choice but personally I'm not a fan. I think it's ugly as fuck and couldn't really get into it. Instead I'd shill the less well known Unworthy, which advertises itself as a Metroidvania without jumping. It's black and white pixelshit if that puts you off but I think it looks fairly nice.

Attached: Unworthy.jpg (460x215, 19.41K)

Blasphemous > Dead Cells > Deaths Gambit

this is the first time i've seen someone other than me shill for unworthy, the game doesnt get enough attention
the game is very simplistic in both gamedesign and art but there's something special about it

dead cells isn't a metroidvania but is correct

> there's something special about it
That's what people always say about games they like but that's very rarely true.

The recent Call of Cthulhu game. It's janky, there are so many pre rendered cutscenes and your choices don't matter much, but I liked it. Atmosphere is nice enough and it's about 10h total without much padding which is pretty good for an adventure game.

I don't mind much if it's 2d souls, I mean, as long as it's hard/punishing and has tight controls, tough bosses and varied equipment/skills, that's cool for me

And black friday is coming, hopefully there's a sale for those again

Hmmm sounds good, I read a lot of praise for dead cells but haven't seen much for blasphemous

How's dead cells level progression if it's not a metroidvania? As you can see I didn't do my homework on them, but I felt like asking

play real doom

Same vibe and literally setting but the sinking city is pretty much the same

Actually all frogware sherlock holmes games fall into the perfectly acceptable mediocre games category

It feels like genuine care and effort went into Unworthy even if it doesn't do anything innovative. The story/lore doesn't do anything incredible and is pretty close to Dark Souls, with a focus on fire and souls and shit, but it's also consistent and doesn't try to throw in everything like Gambit does. The guy who made it clearly understands how combat and enemies should be balanced: there's moments that feel like bullshit at first but nothing you can't overcome. It's not brainlet tier 'give everything loads of health and loads of damage and put in loads of instant kill traps' difficulty.
If you're looking for something that's the best of its genre and will blow your cock inside out then I'd give Unworthy a miss, but overall it's a solid indie game that feels very complete and not like something that was rushed out to take advantage of the Souls hype.

Sinking City or the one actually called Call of Cthulhu? I thought both looked very hype but apparently they were both quite disappointing.

I'd say Blasphemous is actually a bit easier than you might expect of a game with such a brvtal aesthetic. Pretty much every enemy other than bosses only has the one attack, so it's just a matter of learning whether an enemy should be dodged or parried. The bosses are very cool but not too difficult: some of them you'll have to try several times to learn the routine but others you'll probably beat first try. However, the controls are nice and responsive. There's a good deal of platforming, and you'll feel very satisfied when you figure out the best way to take down an enemy that used to be a real pain in the arse.
Equipment wise you get:
>Your sword which just starts off with a slash but as you find sword shrines you can unlock stuff like a dash stab, a drop attack, a charge attack and a ranged attack which can then be upgraded
>Sword hearts which are pro vs con equips (e.g. do more damage but can't heal, get more tears (souls/currency) but spells are less effective, etc.)
>Prayers which are spells, pretty much all damage focused rather than utility
>Rosary beads which are like Dark Souls rings or Hollow Knight charms, just doing simple stuff like a bit more damage or a bit more protection vs a certain type of damage.
>Relics which are your exploration focused items: new platforms appear, you can survive bottomless pit falls, etc.
I think it's unavoidable to admit that the games' aesthetic is its major draw. It's pretty much entirely derived from Renaissance art and late medieval Catholicism, versus your more common kitchen sink fantasy which draws on Greek, Norse, Abrahamic, Tolkien, etc. The story and lore are even more barebones than Dark Souls: even with all the lore available to you there's no real eureka moments where you figure out how a bunch of stuff connects or what's really going on, but the concepts are all very cool.

Should have waited for the massive free REWORK/DLC/OVERHAUL content patch that Death's Gambit is getting soon.
Blasphemous is the best.
Death's Gambit is getting a massive free REWORK/DLC/OVERHAUL content patch, I refuse to play/finish it until that patch is out.
Dead Cells is automatically garbage because it is roguelike. Roguelike = Soulless genre.

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huh that deaths gambit patch might actually make me check out the game again. Not sure why but it was one of the very few metroidvanias i just dropped halfwqy through and ive powered through a lot of trash games

Another very similar game also with mindbogglingly bad gamedesign decisions is dark devotion, couldve been so great if it wasnt a roguelite in disguise

They have been working on that patch for 1-2 years now, it is going to be a new game practically.

Dark Devotion is also shit, roguelike/roguelite = soulless genre.

>Dead Cells
It's not even a roguelite.

Attached: 1506326226593.gif (300x169, 1.17M)

Here, more information:

Whatever that retarded soulless genre is called, roguelike, roguelike, rogueshite, they are all dogshit games: Dead Cells, Dark Devotion, Hades etc. Fuck them all.

i love blasphemous. went in thinking it was going to be a mediocre 'metroidvania' but it's turning out to be closer to castlevania 2.

>the massive free REWORK/DLC/OVERHAUL content patch
Oh cool, I didn't know that was going to happen. Maybe I'll give the game another playthrough when that's out. I feel like I was waiting for its release for ages before I forgot about it, so having only completed my playthrough of it like a week ago I was really disappointed by how incomplete it felt despite the wait for its release and the fact that it's been out for two years now.

>it is going to be a new game practically.
Good. While Gambit could definitely do with more content (the item and equipment pool is pathetically small) there's a lot of stuff that completely needs overhauling: NPCs are shit, world needs to be connected in a better way than the horse passage, etc. I seriously hope they finish all the sprites this time around: the characters whose movements were just tweened stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the fully animated ones. Sadly there's probably no hope of them just outright getting rid of the retarded cyberpunk and Lovecraft areas, but hopefully they'll get some aesthetic touch ups to bring them more in line with the more colourful JRPG aesthetic of the rest of the game.

you must be fun at (LAN) parties