What do we think about musicians making music videos in GTA V?

what do we think about musicians making music videos in GTA V?

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Gorillaz hasn't been good since 2007

song machine was disappointing, all the good songs got released before the full album. the now now was good, but otherwise your statement stands

i want to fuck noodle

Song Machine has been a strong revival imo, Pac-man is a killer before the rap.

some of them are pretty weak, and most of the slower ones are ruined by shitty mumble rappers (especially the elton john one, and friday the 13th is a mess all over)
Valley of the Pagans is really good, though

Using the "cinematic" cam and the usual gameplay camera complete with HUD makes it look tacky. Should've hired someone that actually does GTAV machinima to help them out, or at least looked for a couple extras to drive police cars.

>Video is gonna feature terrible driving
>Put Asian Woman behind wheel

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This. They could've made it look good if they modded it and got someone to do real camera angles

I'm pretty sure Murdoc is a horrible driver, considering it's his driving that's made 2D's eyes look what they look like. It also makes no sense for 2D to drive, so I'm guessing you'd be making this same comment if it were Russell who was driving. Except the point would be that he's black

2020 can't get wor-

I think the point was to actually just be inside GTA, and not try to pretend it was anything other than that.

Honestly, The Gorillaz have always been more miss than hit for me in terms of music. So I never expect to like more than 2-3 songs per album. But in terms of cartoon content, I'm pretty happy to see the band just doing band shit. Like just functioning as a group for once. It feel like they're touching base here. Like a mini reboot.

wow, sammyclassicfan sure grew up

>suddenly Gorillaz isn't good anymore
just when I thought I've seen it all, the level of contrarianism rises ever higher

Machinima making a comeback

damn I remember when Gorillaz had SOUL

Is coke-nail thumb a thing?

fpbp fuck mumble rap

it's not contrarianism, it was never good to begin with, it was just a fad and what you're seeing now is the actual reaction to it without the hype of retards going after a fad.

not all of it is contrarianism even diehard Gorrilaz fans have criticism toward their discography past a certain point.

this however is

>it was never good to begin with
this is simply not true

oh grow up

>diehard Gorrilaz fans have criticism toward their discography past a certain point.
I can understand that. Even I have my fair share of criticisms for Song Machine and other albums but to say they were never good is just downright retarded

Gorillaz and demon days must've been a fluke
they haven't been good at all ever since

don't do me like this

On Melancholy Hill is great

The british should never show their face

Plastic Beach is their best album, fuck you

Plastic beach is solid though

Gorillaz is just some britfag trying to be moby

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>i want to be the moby

Said literally no one, ever.

Humility and Tranz are fantastic, fuck yourself, nigger.

Wow way to show how little about the industry you know

Theres zero mumble rap in song machine, schizo

Glitter Freeze is pretty weak and keeps it from being a better album than Demon Days. It's better than self-titled, though.

Chances of gorillaz being a thing without the characters? none.

Tells you a lot about their music huh.

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Do you people seriously not like Plastic Beach? It's fucking brilliant, possibly their best album (Demon Days and D-Sides are really good too, though)

I had to listen to this at least 5 times before I could even halfway tell what the hell 6LACK is saying

Empire Ants gave me chills and still does.


patrician taste detected

It didn't get worse, you grew up. Their last album is great.

You can easily ignore that or even find a version without 6LACK. I did and honestly, after listening to the 6LACK free version it made me enjoy the normal one more. You can grow into it. I just wish it wasn't autotuned to shit

Honestly I like almost nothing from plastic beach. Demon days is by far my favorite.

I love it, but it definitely hints at a strong demise.
Everything after is garbage. You listen to the new stuff they post?

that's not how music works tho

look at the framerate lmao wtf

t. still listen to metal

>Implying PB is bad
fuck off

I'm sorry for your deafness

Gorillaz was so fucking great up to Plastic Beach (The Fall was actually pretty great too imo) but everything after is just so subpar.
What happened?

Also I'm surprised a Gorillaz video game never happened, it would work really well.

>anytime Gorillaz is discussed
>"never liked them, they were never good, every song sucks, worse album yet"

Why? They jump through so many genres, feature so many artists, it just comes off as contrarianism. Not one song? All shit? It all sucks?

a greater focus on guests rather than damon singing
sometimes it can work out decently, but sometimes it doesn't
I unironically like about 70% of every album though, so I'm probably just a shit taste retard