what do we think about musicians making music videos in GTA V?
What do we think about musicians making music videos in GTA V?
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Gorillaz hasn't been good since 2007
song machine was disappointing, all the good songs got released before the full album. the now now was good, but otherwise your statement stands
i want to fuck noodle
Song Machine has been a strong revival imo, Pac-man is a killer before the rap.
some of them are pretty weak, and most of the slower ones are ruined by shitty mumble rappers (especially the elton john one, and friday the 13th is a mess all over)
Valley of the Pagans is really good, though
Using the "cinematic" cam and the usual gameplay camera complete with HUD makes it look tacky. Should've hired someone that actually does GTAV machinima to help them out, or at least looked for a couple extras to drive police cars.
>Video is gonna feature terrible driving
>Put Asian Woman behind wheel
This. They could've made it look good if they modded it and got someone to do real camera angles
I'm pretty sure Murdoc is a horrible driver, considering it's his driving that's made 2D's eyes look what they look like. It also makes no sense for 2D to drive, so I'm guessing you'd be making this same comment if it were Russell who was driving. Except the point would be that he's black