Super Mario 3D All Stars sold more copies than TLOU2 and FF7 remake

Super Mario 3D All Stars sold more copies than TLOU2 and FF7 remake.


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Wait. TLoU2 sold less than 5?

kinda pathetic how nincels and soccer moms eat up emulators of all things
your phone can play those games better and for free.

It was 4m last time I checked not including returns.

Not a surprise, franchises like Mario, Pokemon, COD, FIFA and GTA will always sell no matter what, idk why they haven't shat out more games, I could use some GTA 3D trilogy well done ports for Switch

yea, "among us", "fall guys" and "phasmophobia" all outsold these games lmao. pc and mobile>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ninty trash

>franchises like Mario, Pokemon, COD, FIFA and GTA will always sell no matter what
Unless of course they make spin offs.

Super Mario Party sucks and it still sold 12 M, it's a good direction into reviving old school party but ndcube made some shit calls on it, Mario Tennis also sold well for what it was.

>Super Mario Party sucks and it still sold 12 M,
And Strikers, M&L and the previous party games didn't.


yeah, and?

That justifies it being a lazy collection.

>muh nintendo boogeyman
rent free

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This is such a bomb compared to what I assume they were projecting, holy shit. This sequel should have easily sold 10m. How do you fuck up so badly.

>buy my brand, it's pathetic otherwise cringe YIKES

TLOU was overhyped, and the double dip release made journos think too many people actually cared.

That's not even funny regardless of how shit TLoU2 is. Its extremely sad that so many people pay for emulated games that could get for free.

and this is a good thing? my god nintendofanboys are truly retards.

TLOU2 Sold 4m in 3 days its way over that now

Wow, cant wait for GAMES from all this money, right guys?! Guys?!

Oh wait, I forget we celebrate incompetence and nogames when it comes to Nintendo.

When it comes down to it it's less effort to just buy a switch and a game for the average Joe than to find the right n64 & gamecube/wii emulator, clean rom & isos, set up controls and boot said rom/isos from emulator.

I bet half of what I just said would fly over most consumers' heads.

I think you're underestimating how many people just don't want to bother setting up an emulator. to us it seems pretty simple but there are so many people who just think it's a huge hassle and would rather shell out.

It's not incompetence. Making classics with long-lasting appeal like Disney movies isn't easy.

As of August 2020 anyway from what google lead me it's 4.8 Million both physically and digitally, making it the third most sold Ps4 exclusive

Compared to Spiderman's 11.8 Million as the king of PS4.

At least it outsold bloodborne.

On a 100 Million userbase where it's reveal 78% have active PS+ accounts

That's pretty good for a woke game

WTF I love SM3DAS now

Sony doesn't sell 1st party games that well, despite what journos have led you to believe.
Less than 8% of all PS4 Owners have Bloodborne.

as much as i hate people buying a game they can emulate, fuck tlou 2 it's transexual garbage and fuck ff7 remake it's fucking gay

many 1st party games sell extremely well, no one cares about """souls""" type games except for the autists here and on reddit

There's no way Bloodborne sold 8 million

>idk why they haven't shat out more games
Pokemon is doing that and people don't like it.

Didn't GOW4 sell 10 million

>Left: TLOU2
>Right: Mario ROMs

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I feel partially responsible, I bought it twice, physical and digital.

>losing to a bland soulless re-release that adds nothing significant and charges full price
So, this is the power of the PlayStation exclusives?