Any good games for next summer?

Any good games for next summer?

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is there an english patch for this yet?

Booba too small

This one has better animation than the overrated Summer Memories where they only shake a still image and the sprite scenes were so dull

Autotranslation plugin works but it's not like you need it

there's a MTL version

>tan lines
Into the dumpster

How do you call this bodytype?

fat booba

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This thread reminded me that I still haven't played the newest JSK game.
Hopefully there's a decensor out already.


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Shortstack, basically. Just without being 3 ft tall.


Nice body

Wish she was seven feet tall and could carry me

wish she was real

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I'd rather she was seventy feet tall and could carry me in her cleavage

Great taste. Though it would be better if she was even taller.

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Gimme source on this thick cutie.

Made for NTR


If she were real she would call you a weirdo and spray your face with self-defense pepper.

Full nelson

Goddamn this "game" was good. Not much gameplay but damn that was some nice pixel art.

>Still not in English

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I think it’s from dieselmine bro
Call me back if I got it right.

my man

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You don't need a translation, it is as simple as can be. Just play it. You fuck her, walk her around the house and fuck her some more. Then the more you fuck her the more positions and scenes you unlock. There could be no text of any language in the game and it would still be easy to understand.


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SUMMER - Countryside Sex Life
Get fucked, loser.

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He had all the info in this thread to figure that out. I denied spoonfeeding him for his own good. Nerd.