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How far does sony have to go before ponies step in and call their bullshit out?

Doesnt matter, tens of millions of retards wont read this shit, woult care / understand it or just forget once they get an opportunity to buy a new console.

Good. Console cuks dont DESERVE to have more than 1 game on their console. I like watching idiots be separated from their money I hope it sells out to keep the gaming caste system in place.


How do you make a blank post?

>trawling twitter for any inconsequential shit to try to consolewar, but still cannot counter the crucial point, that:

Doesn't matter, you can still move games you aren't using onto your current gen hard drive when you don't want to play them and move them back when you do.
Sucks but oh well, I have a 4k tv too
This is actually fake, it's in the 150ish range
Games can still look good without it
Expected and the SeXbox takes up even more for its OS
Can't see it but assuming it's cod, again, it's fake

it's over

Attached: it's over.png (598x612, 559.62K)

So what happen if I have 1440P monitor?
will game run at 1080P or 4K downscaled to 1440P?


Attached: 1556510945866.gif (285x287, 130.59K)

And it didn’t even matter

>native resolution under 1440p
what the hell is that space even used for?

Attached: 1542516112853.jpg (541x521, 82.84K)

All that in less than 24 hours? I can't wait for the next news.


>storage expansion not available at launch
Legitimate big fucking yikes.

Intentionally wasteful space so consolecucks can’t play anything else


i wanna know too

I really think both new consoles jumped the gun on SSDs. The size limitations are a joke for a dedicated gaming device. Xbox at least has the plug and play cards, but they’re still too expensive.

>storage expansion not available at launch
we knew this since march. and it doesn't matter at launch since no ssd is fast enough yet in the first place

I dunno, Nintendo seems to be doing fine.

Attached: soitendo.jpg (859x1153, 174.88K)

You deserve a ps5 @$500, to pay for psplus, and pay $70 a game. Take that how you please.


alt 0173

I'll just wait for the slim or pro

Don't worry, the shills will go into overdrive when it launches
Plenty of articles about how evil white men/xbox are

i think games will be 1080p, so that means it will run better also i guess but idk

Your tv should get the best supported resolution, which in that case would be 1080p, but it may get upscaled by your tv to 1440p depending on the model, but you're lossing quality with the upscaling.

this new console gen sounds like a pain in the ass.

Don't care, I'm still buying a PS5.

Attached: 1598918414810.jpg (1037x1200, 80.71K)


That's a pretty gay pose bro

>buying first batch of first versions of shitboxes

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