How and why the fucking hell is this thing still selling?
How and why the fucking hell is this thing still selling?
Its cheaper and more than just a regular console. I still hate the shit out of it though.
Because it's the only one with actual games
Most people are poorfags and you don't even need a TV.
Cheaper console and yet more expensive games.
All of my cousin’s kids want to come over to play Mario Kart, Smash, and Splatoon. Their parents are always asking me what they should get them for Christmas.
That’s why.
We’re at the point now where the audience trained by SEGA and PlayStation to hate Nintendo for being kiddy have kids of their own.
That’s why.
cheaper than what?
switch is more expensive than ps4 or xbone
a lot of people like to play video games in their spare time as a hobby
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