Why is Zig Forums so hypocritical?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>cute monster design that fits in the game
>fat ugly OC fetish character
It's not hard

yiff in hell furfag

Nah,the idiot who drew that pic related beats both.

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how do retards not notice this gets posted every other day. down to the first few replies

I'm sorry no one liked your fetish OC.

fat people should be euthanized

>good thing good
>bad thing bad
Uhm... yes?

Haha what if Muffet was a fat femdombait bondage spider instead of a slim one? Haha wouldn't that be funny

one has a good design made by someone who also worked on the game past paying for muffet. Spider's and entrapment are thematically related
bondage & domination is based and unironically hibrow
The other is an oc that someone projects themselves into. Overeating/fat fetishes are incredibly harmful and frankly are a rarity past liking chubbier men/women

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this but unironically. fat people are the scum of the earth. People hate on jews, people hate on women, people hate on different political groups, yet they don't give hate to the group of disgusting subhuman failures that truly deserve scorn: the fat .

>g-guys i'm totally not overweight look at how I hate fat people on this anonymous imageboard

triggered fatoid detected

>t. fatties

You'd be surprised at the amount of Zig Forums users who really fucking hate fat people. They have generals making fun of them.

It's not hypocritical. One is good, the other isn't.

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>it's a Samael needs to remind people he exists thread

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Here is a more difficult question

Which has the better theme song?

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Muffet easily.

No good art of the fat dragon and muffet fits in.

Op, you’re a fucking faggot and you know why one is loved and the other isn’t. Yet you will continue to spam this thread every single fucking day. Go fuck yourself. Go eat shit.

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>cute monster design that fits in the game
>bondage being a based fetish
thats good
>ugly OC fetish monster
>inflation being an extremely unbased fetish
thats terror

>comparing a mass interest to a niche interest and expecting approval

reminds me of my delusional gay friend who didn't understand why people wouldn't come to his parties when he had gay furry porn framed on the walls

fucking kek

The most egregious part of the butterdragon OC is that him being "clumsy" is part of the fucking fetish. So you know that this fucking fat-ass still got off on the encounter even if it's literally hidden away until only one day a year.

>Spider femdom
>Mass incest
You what now?

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I meant to type interest.

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more people will fuck the spider girl than the fat dragon blob

Did he fucking stutter?

Do you not want to fuck spiders?

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>he goes to Zig Forums to post in meme boards
>he thinks that's where the real Zig Forumsizens are

I hate these types of spidergirl designs. It's literally just a generic anime girl slapped onto a generic spider body. I hate it so much and it does NOT make me aroused.