What's the most devilish thing you've ever done in a multiplayer game?
What's the most devilish thing you've ever done in a multiplayer game?
I won evo with the most broken character in the game
once i bullied a woman for using her mic by telling her to go back to the kitchen
I like throwing smoke grenades at camping blueberry recons.
When I used to play Infected on Halo Reach I would make a point of betraying as many non-infected allies as I could. Eventually one of them would get their revenge and kill me. Since being betrayed by a non-infected doesn't count as getting infected, and since your respawn counter gets increased by like ten seconds for every person you betray, I would just chill in spectator mode for like five minutes before I respawned. By then the entire lobby would be full of infected players wondering where the fuck I was hiding.
I was not being a good teammate on purpose.
i made a smurf account in dota2, then made fun of a guy that had 3x more games than I did but had a lower MMR
felt bad about it after realizing how effective it was at shutting him up, but he was asking for it for trying to take my mid lane
When I used to play FPS games with objectives I'd enjoy capturing the flag and just sitting in the enemy base.
Either my teammates would rage enough to TK me and thus leave themselves open to being kicked or we'd lose the game and they'd rage enough that I could report their chats for toxicity.
I wrote a series of erotic works about two players on my server.