Dude nothing you do matters and all these characters are going to die lmao

>dude nothing you do matters and all these characters are going to die lmao
unironically, how could anyone play this? I get just ignoring story for gameplay, but I still have to have at least some context for that gameplay. If it's literally meaningless even in-universe then you're not accomplishing anything except making a number go up.

(Note: have played the free weekend but know nothing about Warhammer lore other than wiki skimming)

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Because I have a burning desire to kill skaven.

What the fuck are you talking about?

It's like uhh the spirit of humanity against all odds n shit yo

Every video game character that doesn't become a god or some shit is going to die eventually, that's a stupid reason not to play

I don't know if you're aware of this but the stuff that happens in the game is not real, you're not accomplishing anything even if the game tells you that you are.

>Plays in a setting called End Times
>Complains about it being bleak.

Also it's fucking warhammer, nothing matters, nothing changes. Will you fight, or will you perish like a dog?

End Times spoiler alert: Everybody dies

because it's epic and grimdark and for grown ups

that's just it, why set it in the End Times?

The End Times in general seemed like an extremely stupid idea but if they absolutely had to exist then the game could just be set significantly before or after them.