Every other second party died or got slapped by NIntendo

>Every other second party died or got slapped by NIntendo.
>Meanwhile Gamefreak despite fucking up development since first game never got any kind of punishment.

Why this happens? Why they are so special to keep around?

Literally anyone could handle the Pokemon IP without big hassle.

Attached: gf sux.png (940x528, 87.14K)

They could probably fucking buy Nintendo

You have any idea how much $100 BILLION is?

About tree fiddy

Pokemon by all intend and purposes is owned by Nintendo. Gamefreak is the small fry there.

>Why this happens? Why they are so special to keep around?
It's a mystery.

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They're too big to control now. They should've gotten nipped in the bud back before pokemon became the most financially successful media franchise in history. But now we're stuck having the best ip of all time being managed by the worst company of all time.

Attached: disappointment.jpg (188x268, 6.63K)

Isn't it split between Nintendo (who publish), Gamefreak (who develop) and The Pokemon Company (who...manage..?)

gamefreaks owns around the same piece of the pie as nintendo. it's not like nintendo can say fuck you when they don't own the company

They do not. Nintendo owns 1/3 of Pokémon, and they do not own Gamefreak. Remember when Gamefreak released that elephant game on PC?

They can't do anything to them since GF literally owns their biggest franchise. Mario is probably more popular but nowhere profitable as Pokemon.