Give me some songs to force Vibri onto another round of chaos.
Give me some songs to force Vibri onto another round of chaos
The World Revolving
Do you idiots even fucking discuss the game instead of dumping fanart? Here, I'll help.
user you need to chill with these threads. Vibri is gonna get persecuted by the upset jannies soon.
Good luck on track 4 numpnups
I do, but I also don't care that it's 90% fan art because I like that too.
Oh come on how are there only five of us, did everyone else go sleep?
I'm sitting in the periphery but we did just have a thread reach bump limit right before this. People are probably burnt out or something
Just because I was listening to it a while ago.
Imagine burning out
Give it a minute, I still think it's a bad idea to have another thread so soon because it might make the tranny jannies upset.