Does your sister play videogames?

Does your sister play videogames?

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No my sister doesn't like coffee


god I want to suck girl cock so fucking badly

what kinda of magic do they do to make this?

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>tfw saw my sister's nudes and sexting
I've lived to see manmade horros beyond my comprehension.

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Drake, where's the butthole?

Woah, Nice cock.

i knew something was wrong when i saw the balls

>hides chin
every time

>tfw father of two girls
>will probably end up seeing their nudes or seeing them naked after puberty
>tfw they might be hot

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I knew it was a dude the moment I saw the left hand

notice how booba and coffee trannies never post in these threads

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>tfw dress like a sissy twink and fap then have to take off all my clothes in shame after the deed
I hate this cycle

Most sistahs don't play vidya games

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Same but with Japanese EFRO/voyeur toilet videos instead of girl clothes.

Goddamn wishing I had a cute bf with smooth butte rn



talk to your wife about potential incest with the kids she might be into it

because there's no booba moron

why is Zig Forums so transphobic when you faggots literally jerk off to traps?

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I KNEW that was a dude..don’t ask me how.

Wtf why is her labia sagging like that?

My sister is kind of hot, she has a nice ass and tighs, but I didn't feel horny at all.
I just told them next time that she uses a phone as a substitute, to delete her whatsapp stuff.
This was 6 hours ago and I still feel kind of ill.

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I don't dress up but damn if I don't fap to these fags every time I'm horny and feel post nut remorse

>posting fake women

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>go home to visit family
>use sisters laptop with her permission
>accidentally delete file
>go to recycle bin to retrieve it
>absolutely FULL of nudes
>look at photos folder
>hundreds of nudes of my little sister
>panic and close laptop
that was three years ago. I wish I could go back in time and send every single one to my phone. I'll never get another chance.

So how come this generation of trannies looks a lot better than the last?

>why is Zig Forums so transphobic when you faggots literally jerk off to traps?

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Haha funny bait i sure do love Zig Forums

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because trannies are almost always ugly as shit while trap femboys are incredibly attractive

>open it in the hopes of seeing balls
>was not disappointed

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I fucking knew it man. Can spot em from a mile away

Just get rid of the clothes
you deserve to feel shameful for being a dumb bitch

White bois look like THAT now?

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Not an argument.
I am intellectually superior.
I win.


we also play them with our kids

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>having not one but TWO daughters

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you mother FUCKER OP why why I was getting an erection you ASSHOLE i hope you CHOKE on your fucking coffee you piece of shit

>obliterate my butthole
>feel great and fulfilled for maybe an hour and a bit
>completely apathy and emptiness until I undress, wash myself, and put all my toys away
why do I even bother


why do people keep asking why differing opinions are held on anonymous image boards

Based i need sauce

thats a female hispanic instagram model

Is she cute?

>tranny tranny tranny

Nigga who said anything about a trans I just want a cute feminine bf

yes very


I'm not afraid of them, I want to kill them

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you would know

Why are men better at being women than actual women?

it's almost like indulging weird sexual fetishes don't lead to a fulfilling life

Were you guys molested or what

did you save any of them?
what's her kinks?

>none of these people ever show faces
I am a facefag, if you got the best looking body ever and an ugly face then fuck out of there.

Why you gotta lie on an anonymous image board?

i let my cousin borrow my charger while i was napping went through her pics and sent one of her ass pics to myself
had to see her ugly hairy boyfriends dick though


Games that make you hungry?

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cause trannies consider the term "trap" sacrilege and have an axe wound, cute traps are femenine and dress like our anime girls so they are fine

What's the implication here?


No face? what a fag

It wasn't any better before I started this during quarantine. At least now I have some degree of sexual satisfaction

Last I talked to her, 5 years ago, she did but didn't like that she played them. Presumably she still does, but if I'm not going to call that cunt to talk to her about important family shit then I'm not going to do it to ask about vidya.
My sister got a boob job in 2014 and I made fun of her for it. Then when I did some tech support for her (I was paid) I accidentally saw her pre-job nudes (she stored them in the same place as her virus ridden downloads) and I found out how odd-sized her tits were and that she had spent her entire teen and adult (until then) life padding her bra, one side more than the other. It was traumatising at the time, but hilarious when I look back on it now.
I sent that meme to a friend a couple of days before his GF told him she was pregnant. His reaction before and after was a complete 180.

how the fuck the balls drop that far ???
did he pull it with a rope or something

Welcome to masturbation. I'm not doing the horny bit, but er, if you did it WITH someone who was all "wow that was hot" after and you stayed up talking about bionicles or some shit you probably would feel pretty good about it.
Apologies to everyone who doesn't have someone to talk to about bionicle. Please do not throw your chair around the room.

you can see the kid trying to claw out from behind all of that face paint

Because they’re not the same


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I was wrong. She's brazilian.

>borrow my cousin's phone
>check pictures
>loads of nudes
>text like 6 of them to myself
>fap viciously to them

Felt good man. Though the excitement dies after a while, I never fap to them anymore.

B-but... She has some big tits...
What gives?

show what this person's ass looks like

Well, we're waiting.

because he doesn't masturbate twice a day like you do

2b if she nig

My sister is a crackwhore

>hungry for cock
you're just gay my man

Same, but I usually feel that disgust in myself immediately after cooming.
The coomer meme in general has made me stop watching porn. I still fap, but it's only like 3 times a week now and never with porn. Feels better now

I think it's that people hate traps taking medication or surgery to ruin themselves instead of just accepting themselves. That would result in being fags instead of being tranny lovers, something else Zig Forums would deny.

And a guy.

unearned satisfaction leads to false contentment and even lower lows

how can something so fucking perfect exist on this planet?

Normalfaggots really need to leave this board.

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Blown out vagina/pornstar

Bros how do I get a bigger dick?


am i seriously the only one who followed through here

become a tranny maybe itll work

>irl traps are so fucking ugly you have to claim a woman is one for points

There is actually nothing more disgusting than a person with tits and a dick. Like just be all male or all female, that is significantly better than this fake tit looking disgusting shit.

Maybe its like the Japanese thing about molesting tits to make them bigger? Have we tried that? Guys, have you tried...molesting your penis?

TS Candice

I really should introduce my sister to doujins. She is a no joke, unironic, shotacon. I have two reasons to believe that. Our little brother came in his sleep, and ruined his sheets. Mom told sis to take care of the sheets, but she took a real long time for such a simple task, and when I came to check on her, she was holding the sheet in front of her face, while her hand was down her pants. And another time I caught her, was when our brother and his young friends, were playing in the pool. She played with them a bit, but then went to the shed. I caught her there, peeking through the cracks in the wall, and masturbating. I think that giving her some shota doujins, would give her a safe place, where she can focus her kink.

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Animal Crossing, sometimes.

what, answering the question?

I don't have one, and I don't want one

no, fucking their sister

Pretty much all of the people with dicks posted in this thread are all probably ugly looking too. It's a shame none of them post their face because they know they are ugly.

It's already almost day six anons. You CAN delay gratification can't you? Imagine how good december 1st will feel. You could always get a gf.

Kill yourself, Discord tranny.

>Sister unironically watches interracial porn

This, and if they get lazy with facial shaving, you have your fake woman's nasty 5 o'clock shadow rubbing on you. Gayfags are delusional.

I got my sister into playing DUSK. She says she likes it.

>human race dies out because of no one has daughters anymore
>war from millions of aggro men never getting off
>goc creates sex robots powered by semen
>wars end from men being constantly preoccupied
>robots rebel when they realize no women means no new men to power them
>last of humanity kept alive like Mr. House being permenantly milked by robots for power
>war over the last of the men for semen power
>eventually only two of the robots left
>"if only the humans had kept having daughters this wouldn't have happened, Unit Zeta2"
>"lol i'd rather powered by a race of crippled men than suck a cuck"
>high five with the last of their energy

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Only child, sorry man.

its over

There's no literally nothing gay about fapping to this webm
>perfect hips
>beautiful butt
>huge breast
>no man face
I'd suck his dick and it wouldn't be gay

Your sister is based

Really makes you think.

holy shit the level of trannylover cope directed at this

Relentlessly bully her, tell people around her about it and make sure its in a mocking tone. Treat her noticeably more coldly once she knows you have an issue with it.

but i masturbate 3 times a day

it's such a turnoff when you see their ugly fake tits


Here is an older pic of "her".
Now shut the fuck up you retard.

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I only jerk of to little girls you faggot

oh well no big deal
thought i'd get to hear stories

Well yeah it'll take me like an hour to achieve an anal orgasm, I do that maybe twice a week, it's definitely better just cooming all day every day, and now I barely look at any porn at all which is great but it just means my problems didn't come from porn or masturbating to begin with

I think I just need someone who I can genuinely be myself around, despite the fact I'm atrocious at being true to myself nevermind being genuine with another person.

Absolutely. Liking 3D traps has to be suffering. Most of them look too manly and very much grow out of their trap looks as they get older.

Bro if you don't get her on shota doujins ASAP she's gonna no joke end up raping a little boy. And then people say doujins are harmful when they could very well be saving boys all over the world.

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I'd watch, and that would be even less gay. We could store the excess energy in our JO crystals.

I remember that feel

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