games where the main villain was in plain sight the entire time
Games where the main villain was in plain sight the entire time
I wonder how Sam knew he'd be in the photo from there
oh fuck i didn't notice this before
God dammit, Fisher!
holy shit a red outline just flew over my house!!!!11!!!1
Get out of there Fisher, the mission's over.
Women who dress like that are asking for it, no sympathy for them if it does.
>The tits on the girl to the right
Is there anything worse than low-tier frumpy women who long since hit the wall dressing up as whores for attention at cons to use lonely, thirsty manchildren to stroke their egos?
Reminder that /cgl/ is the worst board on Zig Forums(nel)
wwhos this dood
What was he thinking dressing up like that?!
Why is Chaos Theory far and away the best Splinter Cell?
i'm pretty sure I was at that convention lol
Ah Tuna-chan. We can all smell you to this day.
imagine the smell
She's called Tuna-chan for a reason. Fucking zoomers....
Is that an Air Gear cosplay?
imagine doing a cosplay like this when you have negative ass
you weren't even born
Imagine having to be the con security. Can't ask her to leave because it would be misogynist.
Can't make her cover up because that would be sexist.
Can't even do anything about the smell because that's likely some kind of thing ending in -phobic which isn't allowed either.
that's literally what I was referencing nigga
That's victim blaming, user! You think rape is fun?
what smell?
conceptualize the aroma
Think the stink.
im confused
Young people should never be humiliating themselves like this. We need a new Hitler Youth.
pictures you can smell
Why are Asians like this.
What did he mean by this?
she should be a character in the next aqua man movie
think about the fact that the white guy in jeans is an actual person