>got Morrowind for the original Xbox on my 8th birthday in 2003
>played for only about an hour before giving up
>dumb 8 yo mind confused by character creation and stats, obviously not old enough to understand anything
>play for a little bit around Seyda Neen and surrounding areas, get attacked by worms and pterodactyls and there's not much I can do to fight them off
>give up and forget about the game for years
>fast forward to July of this year
>dust off old Xbox at my parents house and take it home along with a few games and old memory card
>heard alot of good things about Morrowind, decide to give it another chance since I'm more likely to understand now
>my 17 year old save is still there, turns out I created a Breton
>pick up right where I left off
>play all side quests
>build up my character to superhuman levels
>complete both addons
>finally beat Dagoth Ur today
>17 years in the making finally complete
>best gaming decision I've ever made
Got Morrowind for the original Xbox on my 8th birthday in 2003
Other urls found in this thread:
Screencap or it didn't happen.
Good for you
Fucking based OP, I remember racing my old ghosts on mario kart gamecube a few years back, this reminds me of that.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence
>got xbox morrowind for 2 bucks at gamestop
>never completed the main quest but had fun doing side quests and exploring
>found an abandoned shack in the middle of the swamp and made it my home
>cast recall so I could teleport to my swamp shack
>lost my recall and never found it again
Looking back at it the view distance was pretty damn short.
The journal entries in Morrowind seldom read like that lol. Still, I appreciate the depth of even the most mundane side quests.
>>didn’t restart the game 45 times and playing for 10-20 hours each time
Fake and gay
There's something nice about coming back to a game that you have on when younger
morrowind is the Infinite Jest of video games