is it worth it?
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It looks retarded and unrealistic
It's way more fake than current lighting. Real life doesn't reflect everything 100% like a mirror. Surfaces are rarely polished to this state.
>glass doesn't reflect
>metal doesn't reflect
cope and dilate
Really tired of seeing this crap pushed to market new hardware
How about they make some darn interesting games instead
they're making shit TOO reflective. like a moderate amount is fine but most raytracing ive seen just makes everything look wet
It honestly looks worse
Yea but it's not really worth the performance hit yet. In a few years the performance difference will be negligible and it will become standard.
Go back to the early 00's and you can have the same argument over whether or not dynamic shadows are worth it.
OP let me ask you this, and I want you to answer as sincerely as you can:
When the entire game looks absolutely fucking terrible and like it should have been released in 2010, what is the point of having reflective surfaces?
It’s only worth it if the devs implement it correctly
>be Zig Forums
>seriously argueing that a glass windows, in the shade, with window shutters down behind it, shouldn't be reflective
what the fuck you fucking morons
the windows look fine, the issue is the cars
when it stops being expensive to run and devs calm down and use it appropriately instead of throwing it everywhere like they do with every new graphical technique then yes
Looks extremely unrealistic. Shop windows don’t work like mirrors.
a reflective surface with a dark background is literally how mirrors work
>losing half of your fps to get some fucking reflections
i mean, we all liked physx when it came out, it was kinda overdone and also eated half of your fps at the time (unlike the more primitive but still cool havok) but it was still something kinda neat - but this shit is so fucking worthless
There’s a gap between the curtains and the glass. The curtains don’t block all light either. Besides, all that is irrelevant. Shop windows never reflect like mirrors irl.
Raytraced reflecitons don't fix terrible looking image. It lacks contrast, just look at it - black levels are non-existent, everything is grey
physx is now everywhere user, it became open source and most unreal games use it.
>being this retarded
Is everyone forgetting we had working reflections before ray tracing?
I mean it'll be fine eventually once hardware catches up a bit more and it's just a normal thing, but right now it's in the same place bloom was when that first got popular and devs started throwing it on absolutely everything just LOOK GUYS WE CAN DO BLOOM HOLY SHIT
now that bloom is just a normal thing and used appropriately it's fine, and I'm sure raytracing will be the same eventually
>it became open source and most unreal games use it.
So, it only became relevant after it was completely changed by hundreds of people
>Franz Kafka statue in Prague, Czech republic when Kafka considered slavs to be subhuman and a lower race
You didn't
Too much to ask devs to implement these days, even considering that fucking UE4 has at least 3 ways of doing it.
Yeah shame the games keep getting shittier and shittier with surfaces getting shinier and shinier.
TL;DR useless shit
I just want raytracing to kill off the fucking horrible screenspace reflections on bodies of water that everyone uses right now and looks like SHIT
ray tracing or VR
what's the bigger meme?
you can not reflect surfaces like 2000 when games are more than fucking corridors
that would literally be even more expensive than raytracing lmao
Raytraced Global Illumination >>> reflections
I can still see raytracing being relevant once hardware is 20-30x more powerful and developers get over this retarded phase where everything needs to be made of mirrors.
VR is just inherently shit. You cannot possibly design a good VR game and having to strap on a monitor to your head is extremely retarded.
dont worry, DLSS gives me back those fps and more
I wonder how much of the ray tracing performance hit is caused by having to render shit that's not actually in direct view.
Like in that alley scene you normally wouldn't be rendering the shit around the corner because it's occluded by the building. With that reflective bus there you have to render everything around the corner as well though.
>supported by xsx
>supported by ps5
>supported by nvidia
>supported by amd
comparing it to VR is the biggest fag cope I have ever seen
It literally just works
>having raytracing
It was demonstrated recently by ubisoft, tech illiterate-kun.
source: my ass
RDNA2 supports DXR
I already gave you the source. Ubisoft’s watch dogs legion. If you are not going to see it, there’s nothing I can do.
Have you ever stepped outside into the modern world you fucking retard?
>corporation supports it that means it's good!
For the current standing of both? Ray tracing is just visual eye-candy and devs still can't go ham with it with the limited install base of PCs that can handle it to a solid degree (and the new consoles can barely do it to start with).
At least current VR allows new game experiences.
I agree, everything in that pic looks great though, except maybe the blue car
Like the taxi would be washed on a regular basis, and office windows would normally be that reflective
That blue car is probably a shitbox that hasn't been washed in years though
here is your amd RT bro
ITT: a seething faggot tries to justify his buyer's remorse
The mspaint infographic was definitely the highlight of the thread. I don't know what would make me cringe harder, somebody taking the time to make something so gay or somebody seeing it online and deciding to save it to their computer.
jeez thats lower res than I expected
RT on PC in wdl is mind blowing to me tho