>PS5 overheating in store
Your thoughts, Zig Forums?
PS5 overheating in store
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Why in the hell did this thread get deleted?
losing sleep waiting for my ps5
Go to the gym you fat fuck
I thought only the xbox sex overheats, all the quality game journalists told me so
Faggot ass ps5 tranny janny
Fanboy janny mad, I guess?
the teardown should have been a huge red flag. They literally shoved a bunch of components together, made a case that would house such a monstrosity, and then glued kaiba wings on to it to try to add style to it while making it look dated on debut
I guess they couldn't cope anymore...
Rev up those PS5s
I live in Alaska, nothing overheats
Sonybros... the SEX is too strong...
>prioritize aesthetics over functionality
>end result still isn't even aesthetically pleasing
Can't even begin to imagine what the inevitable slim model is going to be like
>sony is thoughtful enough to make sure I stay warm this winter
>Shadow of the Colossus
Did they fire the photographer here too?
>wait until the temperature goes down
>it's November
Good. I hope they all melt and people are pissed. Consoles are cancer.
oh you
For the players
It all makes sense. Sony is limiting stock of PS5s because they know the first batch they have made will all be dead within months. They are scared of a lawsuit.
Because it's fake
Do you have any idea how many jannies are snoys? Like, all of them
deletion is a for of cope
The absolute state of Snoybois XD
holy cope, just do yourself a favor and save that $500 to pay your child support
Fuck sony but your logic bunk af
That's not how perspective work, user....
>Do you have any idea how many jannies are snoys?
Why? It makes no sense. A Jap owns this site and Japs hate Playstation. I'm confused.
The sony logo and OK button do line up ffs
>90% of threads attacking snoys get deleted
>100% of threads attacking xbros are allowed to hit bump limit
proof in pudding
What's the point? PS4 is dead and the PS5 has no hype. Are tranny jannys delusional or something? How is deleting threads on a shitty website 99.999999999999999999% of gamers dont even know exists going to save Snoy?
>PS5 has no hype
Playstations aren't marketed towards people active on gaming forums. My entire football team has a PS4 and I'm fairly confident they will buy the PS5 as well at some point.