Now that the dust has settled, why have nords become such idiots?
Now that the dust has settled, why have nords become such idiots?
They could blame the CHAD Indoril Nerevar
>Humiliated and wiped out the Nordic Army
>1v1'd Wulfharth and beat the shit out of him so hard he was seething centuries later and LITERALLY begged Tiber Septim to wipe out Morrowind
>Wiped out 95% of the Nordic Army's Thu'um users
>Traumatized Jurgen Windcaller, one of the strongest Thu'um warrior at the time so hard he became a pacifist bitch
There is no English inspired race in Tamriel is there? Its Romans and Scandis or Turks or even Mesopotamian.
Bretons arent it, are they? They're like Celtic or something.
nice fanfiction bro
Breddy ghud
Nords were always a barbarian invader race. Pacifist Nords are like pacifist Warhammer Orks.
Imperials had some English inspirations with their mercantilism and the East Empire Company, but the Bretons are closest. Before Morrowind they were distinctly British.
He also broke the Nordic Empire that it never recovered.
Nerevar pretty much gave the Nords their biggest, fattest L and the Nords hasn't settled the score since.
>Nords hasn't settled the score since
don't need to, the dunmer have fallen so low the nords gave them an island out of sheer pitty lmao
Nords have certainly fallen from their high day but the dunmer & morrowind are in an even worse state, and that's objective fact.
Which is the mesopotamian one?
in Oblivion to me it felt like the imperials were distinctly early imperial brits in their attitudes and way of life, but with a Roman aesthetic slapped onto their architecture
Man the oblivion dark brotherhood was so based. Like that Khajit who decided to make it up to you just as you were about to kill him
Because people like to paint "racists" as dumb so that they can have a reason to ignore their point of view, which they do out of fear of agreeing with them.
Insecure cucks like to believe you have to accept everyone because they think that if they accept others they'll be accepted too, which they crave after a life time of rejection.
Oblivion was full of good NPC bantz
>has daedric axe to give to follower
>wearing iron armor
Everyone knows that style is the endgame
Nobody was ever really loyal to the Empire to begin with, most people tolerated the Empire because the leaders were Dragonborn (IE chosen by Akatosh) and their reign kept the Oblivion Gates closed.
Sum darkie got 'is hands on it first n now it's all shiny n shit. Don't trust darkie elves, but that there wood elf wusn't havin' it.
Skyrim getting rid of the open racism kills a lot of replayability
even then they still stopped a hist buffed argonian invasion
>this retarded bait again
OH yes the Skyrim Civil War was 100% about NAZI Stormcloaks l i t e r a l l y killing refugees and Hitler nazi KKK leader white supremacist holocauster Ulfric is BAD because white + mean!!!
It has nothing to do with an Imperial Interregnum following a devastating Great War in which the Empire fractured completely and sold itself out to a foreign and hostile power despite continued resistance from half the world in Hammerfell and the willingness of Nords to fight until the end.
I hate you fucking niggers.
Reachmen are the barbarian celts before rome
Bretons are the mixture mutts of roman celt/saxon/norse
It's shills and reddit raiders bro, Zig Forums died in 2015
nerevar got cucked and murdered by his friends
Why are Nords okay with Altmer in their society but not Dunmer?
The forsworn are the closest imo.
>white supremacist
This is true though. the Dunmer in Windhelm all have jobs and pay taxes and STILL get treated like dirt and Argonians aren't even allowed inside the walls.
well, like, this a fantasy world with a world based on like the dark ages, of course they are racist.
"Now that the dust has settled xD xD xD"
When are people gonna stop doing this dumb title, it doesn't even make sense in context.