What's your opinion about this Inquisition-style Morrigan morph for DA:O?

What's your opinion about this Inquisition-style Morrigan morph for DA:O?

Attached: 1mem2.png (1456x800, 1.35M)

Wtf, that's not how she looked in dao

Attached: Morrigan_profile.jpg (468x642, 68.17K)

>lives in the wilderness
>still wears 20 lbs of makeup

I will always prefer DAO Morrigan, but that mod does a decent job of removing the main problem with most Inquisition designs, being that nasty coat of glossy grease every character has plastered to them.

yeah but how big are her modded boobies? just a D cup, or a sexy H cup? does she also have a sexy bulge hiding a huge feminine penis?

Yes, and?

>does she also have a sexy bulge hiding a huge feminine penis?

Man DA:O was so much fun. Made a 2H warrior main and by the landsmeet I was dishing out 100+ damage regular hits almost as fast as rogues attack. Felt the powa

user makeup was made from plants,charcoal and beewax back in the day.

>not being a mage