Try GTA5

>try GTA5
>it's fucking junk
>feels artificial, don't get sucked in

>try GTA5 again years later
>install NaturalVision and ENB
>suddenly one of the best games ever

Immersion is such a huge factor in gaming. Why do developers not bother with it anymore nowadays? The difference is insane.

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Theres no real reason/argument for IV to be better than V

OP is a fag

Try it with the new NaturalVision Evolved

Thank me later

LA doesn't look that clean and smog free.

brainlets ITT

Attached: 1603355690398.jpg (706x960, 50.78K)

Pay for a ENB shader? hard pass, but good luck with that buddy.

I wish stuff like this worked in Online since I only ever play GTA V with friends.
fuck Rockstar for being so anti-modding.

The map is better. Driving in los santos sucks and the traffic spawning is atrocious. Hell the game is literally programmed to move cars in front of you. If you’re going fast enough, you can notice cars moving left and right into your path without actually turning. It’s so blatant.

I'll wait till it's out. NV Remastered already does an amazing job.

It's amazing work but I'm not paying for something that should have been in the game in the first place.