Genshin Impact

Here's your new healer bros, you'll be rolling for her, right?

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Gacha is not worth it.

Yes. I’ll take Childe too if the 5* is him otherwise I’ll save the pity for someone else. Mona banner when

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I'm bound to roll her since I want everyone else on that banner

I don't want childe, but I want beidou and ning constellations and diona is looking to be better than kaeya, so yeah

what's the appeal of this game, I played it and I feel it plays like ass.

Yeah because Tartaglia is the lesser of the two evils and I want to get enough star glitter to buy Benny. Also I don't have Ning.

i have qiqi so no

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It's fun. Exploration is much better in the second region and you don't really understand how combat works until you start doing the abyss. That being said postgame daily grind is bullshit, I won't be doing it after 1.1, I'll just wait for updates