PS5 disaster recap

>Backward compatible games have bugs like this despite being promised by sony that they're able to run
>PS5 dual sense controller only has a 4 hours long battery life
>SSD load speeds is slower than the Xbox SEX
>backwards compatibility needs online to work, it checks an online database everytime you run a backwards compatible game in order to run
>you are not able to run backward compatible games off a USB HDD unlike the Xbox, you need to transfer into the SSD for them to run
>PS5 cannot output to 1440p

More shitty news upcoming soon.

Attached: 1604670785621.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

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Thats not a very good example Ubisoft games are buggy pieces of shit in the first place

I never expected consoles to support native 1440p monitors. it’s probably a tiny fraction of the actual userbase.

See you when PS5 sells 100 million over the course of its lifetime

>backwards compatibility needs online to work, it checks an online database everytime you run a backwards compatible game in order to run
No way, this can't be real.


Attached: 1542918253828.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

Source: My ass

>>backwards compatibility needs online to work, it checks an online database everytime you run a backwards compatible game in order to run

From this video, he says that the PS5 checks an online database to block PT from running. If you turn off online, it still wont run because it needs to check an online database.

I thought Ubisoft said Syndicate & a couple other AC games wouldn't be BC?