What are some good cyberpunk games that are currently available to play?

What are some good cyberpunk games that are currently available to play?

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>save the city
>save the city
>save the city
Would it have killed them to make one game where you're just an amoral criminal who's only goal is to end the game with enough money to retire

>RPG games in a nutshell:
>group of misfits meet through some common cause
>Some evil exist and wants to destroy the world/area
>You and your team embark on a quest to save it
Imagine being the new at video games.

Shadowrun is a setting built on the concept of a criminal underclass raiding corporations for enough money to scrape by. It was the entirely wrong choice to make it about stepping up to avenge friends and family or defend the people from encroaching evil.

Not that. That's for sure. Play Dragonfall.

What's wrong with Hong Kong? I finished Returns a while back and was planning playing all three.

ah yes because "raid this corporate warehouse to pay rent" is such an interesting premise

It's okay but Dragonfall is best of the series.

>What are some good cyberpunk games that are currently available to play?
Deus Ex
Blade Runner

You say that as if some of the most popular franchise concepts could not be boiled down to "steping on turtles to reach your girlfriend" or something equally stupid, it's all about the execution.