Not even a consolewar fag, but i see little reasons to buy an Xbox.
It really doesnt matter if its better hardware. PS5 just has better exclusives and better games. It is that simple.
In fact, i would argue that Xbox is like building a PC. You just beg for ports. Except PC becomes better and better and much more likely to get a proper port unlike Xbox shit.
Not even a consolewar fag, but i see little reasons to buy an Xbox
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As someone who gave up on xbox when the xbone was announced, and just recently had someone dump their Xbox one x on to me, I disagree. Game pass and x cloud are great. Backwards compatibility for like three generations is great. The UI is better than PS4 if you ask me. They don't have exclusives YET but they're finally getting around to making some. Even the bone has some worthwhile ones If ya ask me (Gear 4+5, Forza Horizon, Quantum Break, Ori, Halo MCC if you're into that or haven't played them yet or just want to play them again or play multiplayer, Sunset Overdrive, Ryse Son of Rome)
Imo it's worth getting one but only if you already have the equivalent PlayStation. Yes PS has the better and bigger name exclusives but the longer time goes on game pass will only become a better value and they actually have interesting looking exclusives in the works like Avowed and Fable remake State of Decay might even be good.
Unlike the PS5 it won't burn your house down. That's a pretty big reason.
Lol, you said it. Ps5 has the games. Two years from now that's over. You are now pretty much buying your new console because of 3 lauch titles.
>It really doesnt matter if its better hardware
It really does.
Nice shill thread. Here's your (You).
Can the PS5 play ps1, ps2, psp, ps vita, dc, gamecube etc etc? No? Xbox can.
Im not gonna even buy a ps5. Probably later when they release a more stable better version of it.
Thats great and all, but why would i buy ps5 for valhalla, if i can play it on PC?
If i buy a ps5 it is for its exclusives. If i buy a console it is for their exclusives.
Ps5 has better exclusives. Simple as.
>PS5 just has better exclusives and better games
PC just has better exclusives and more games. It's that simple. Imagine buying a shit console to play like 10 mediocre exclusives for next 7 years.
>Ps5 has better exclusives
Name one? And I don't like Souls games or moviegames.
>And I don't like Souls games or moviegames.
Well i dont like generic sci fi fps either so...
I'm getting a series x to play my og xbox and 360 games. Game pass is another good reason for me to get one. Also it's faster than ps5 which is nice. I'll get both eventually
Most of those PC exclusives can be played on a simple laptop. Yep, laptop + PS5, the way to go.
Well. Doom is anything but generic.
Wait what? The Xbox can play ps1, ps2, psp, ps vita, dc, gamecube games? I'm buying the SeX now.
>playing doom with gamepad
i literally played this on my PC
>fps with a controller
What mind blowing Sony exclusives are we talking about here? Please stop pretending that Spiderman is still good. Even normies got bored of the capeshit fad since Avengers flopped
>why would i buy ps5 for valhalla
That's not Valhalla, it's the unpatched, Day-1 version of AC Unity, the buggy mess Ubisoft released back in 2014.
>better hardware
>better battery life
>better load times
>game pass
>full backwards compatibility
>better online
If you buy a PS5 you're a moron. The XSX is better in every way.
Relying on another platform alone makes it not worthwhile at all. I would rather build a 800 dollars PC instead of buying a 500 dollars console and a 300 dollars laptop.
Gyro exists :) Sadly it's a PC/Switch exclusive for now.
Retroarch works on xbox.
Why are people memeing that comparison so much then?
Day-1 version looks better.
Because they're shitposting autists, and that unpatched version is currently the only backwards compatible example in which the PS5 runs an old game at a worse frame rate than the Series X.
And nearly all of them run on a worse resolution too :)
Which won't matter for 99% of console players because they either have too small of a TV or sit too far away to notice any difference.
But with better performance in most cases, like with Sekiro.
I'm sorry, user, but better frame rate is much more preferable than resolution.
Even begging for TES6
>Buying a console to play with 1080p monitors or TVs
Yeah seems like PS audience to me
Were you saying same thing when Xbone games were 900p instead of 1080p :) Just curious.
>graph clearly shows the game was dropping frames on the series x right before the screenshot was taken
>Were you saying same thing when Xbone games were 900p instead of 1080p
Even among PC players 1080p monitors are by far the majority. Stop acting like 4k or even 1440p is the common thing.
That's pretty understandable since 4K monitors sucks. 4K TVs however are pretty good and way more affordable.