That will be $70+ tip for this movie sir

>That will be $70+ tip for this movie sir

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> PlayStation's new console is an extension of the games it makes

What does that sentence even mean?

It's game journalism weird wanking, there's no meaning behind it

>and its a 10-50 hour movie that you can rewatch as many times as you'd like

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They make movie games.

>rewatching movies

>rewatching movies

Does PS5 have a no-singles policy?

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>Netflix putting out new shows every month
>Stock skyrocketing
>Plans for new animated features every quarter

Meanwhile the film industry
>Bankrupting because of covid
>All featured delayed years
>Company stocks plummeting
Exactly what I asked when I saw this same thread a few minutes ago.

>im sorry sir you will have to buy two copies of demon souls if you are solo
>140+ tip

it means they make movies, and that they will make more movies next-gen

90% of their base is rabid trannies, they kinda don't have an option but to allow singles.

now check these non-singles

but i planned on summoning phantoms for everything doesnt that count?

It's a cope article because ps5 is big and goofy loomi g and SeX shits on it
muh snoy exclusives that fag journous like that will overrate every single time

except in case of xbox all it has is the netflix app lmao

The Platform, The Two Popes, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Cats, MIB: International, The Nun

Yeah I think Netflix won

Gonna be another gen of having two exclusives worth playin and pretending a capeshit game is relevant

Honestly no singles is the stupidest policy I've seen. I prefer going to the movies alone so I can focus on them. when I saw the sonic movie there were like five single dudes in there

Man Im jealous of the xbots who get to play these masterpieces

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so it's dead?

>removing watches

I legit thought that was only ps4 games because they all look the same

what exclusives does xbox have? I wish it would swing back to xbox not sucking, but I just don't see it happening.

If you think about it, most people that buy the Series X will have no games in their shelves

interracial is fine as long as it's a white guy and a black woman.

It was just a ploy to sell more tickets.

More like HBO.

>advanced haptic feedback
>3d audio
>ultra fast SSD
>adaptive triggers
>liquid metal

it means the console is an experience in itself, just like its dozens of goty contender games

at least snoys will own the two games they get, enjou your netflix bro

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is a forced strong black angry female character in every game also """fine""""?

biden won.

I know that, but still it is still a stigma around here to see one by yourself

The only thing keeping me from buying a PS5 is the soldered SSD that cant be replaced if it fails

Just buy the fucking thing, alright?

xbox games are still shit

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What does that make Switch? 240p videos on Youtube?

has nothing to do with what I posted. and anyway, I suppose you have no problem if they're bald angry white guys.

that sounds terrible holy shit

So the xbox is slightly better than the ps, though both are cancerous. Got it.

>you can't have gamepass and still buy games
Actually you can get like 20% off the game if you wish to own.Games on gamepass have proven to increase digital sales on every platform if multiplat.

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This anhalogy is actually very good and it's Microsoft own fault. Netflix is all about quantity and making its own product that is in most of the time trash and low quality as fuck, while Sony makes fewer but its all high budget to be talked for years.

So one has anime, cartoons, movies, series and documentaries while the other is just affirmative action waking blogger bait. Got it.

>not rewatching Shrek every Sunday morning as God intended

They're only talked about because there are so few and autists think only exclusive games are worth playing or discussing.