Eldenbros... we lost

Eldenbros... we lost....

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Man I really wish they hadn't hired this fat fuck.

post the vacaroo

should have hired J. K. Rowling, we would have second elder ring by now


don't post your baseless speculation here austin

I'm currently watching game of thrones and I like it. Do I have shit taste in movies?

what season you on?

season 5 episode 4

You'd have to be fucking retarded to think his role is anything beyond offering some ideas

Yikes, looks like you've got a case of the plebs

in my opinion show dropped in quality in season 3-4 so if you still watching after season 4 and still enjoying it you have a shit taste

>current work on winds of winter

nah. the show is great until the very last season. don't even watch it because it retroactively ruins everything that you're enjoying.

>Mi-Mi-Miya*sputters as he loses oxygen* MITSUBISHI-san, I am a VERY busy man, you must understand *eats* I am as of late working quite diligently on my newest book, The *fart* The WINDS of Winter, *sweats loudly* I have only so much time to devote to your little electronic amusement.*hacks up chicken bone* But what I find TRULY egregious, based on the material you have provided me, and *belches* based on your PREVIOUS work, is the complete lack of believable World-Building. In particulaaaaaaaarrrrrr*heart stops for 20 seconds* the complete LACK of any description of Lord Gwyn, who is a KING I suppose *snort* having ANY kind of discernible tax policy! His capital, Anal London I believe you so quaintly named it *chuckles* seems to be quite grandiose, aye? But how does he PAY for it all? Flying buttresses ah yes, great big knights patrolling around, who pays for THOSE? *urine stain slowly spreads on shorts* You've got to THINK about these things, man, or else I won't get any work done at all! *falls into diabetic coma*

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The show started showing major cracks in season 5. It was already unsalvageable by season 7. If you couldn't see how bad it was until season 8, you have terrible taste.

actually season 7 is better than 3 season before it. Nevertheless it's still a bad season

>hiring an elderly, nearly dead man who has a history of slacking off

Why did they do this? Why not hire any number of promising new writers

>even japan fell the for the george faggot meme

damn bro that's crazy i don't even remember asking for your faggot ass opinion but hey go off sis

>have to select your tax policy when creating a new character
Did he go too far?


>t. liked GoT right up until his YASS QUEEN SLAY slayed innocents

That's what happens you have selfhating jap gooks who thinks whites are superior and worship whatever they do and destroys their own games just to please whites.

Why did they?
Fromsoft is more than capable of writing their own lore, they seem like the last studio who would need help.

It is the silence before the storm, Elden Ring will be the first true masterpiece by From Software and it will BTFO the entire gaming industry.

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Season 11 episode 5

But Fromsofts first true masterpiece was Armored Core Last Raven

Zig Forums hasn't thought up a creative thing in their entire life, even if it dick slapped them across the face. They won't understand genius and the meticulousness of creating a perfect vision. There is no compromise or half measure or else it wasn't good to begin with, it has to be absolutely perfect.

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>Why did they?
Because they fell for the hype. Georgie was still riding high off the Game of Thrones even when the finale was train wreck. Now it's biting From in the ass.

Season 1 was as good as it was possible to be
Season 2 was good
Season 3 and 4 were passable
Season 5 is where it goes to shit
Season 6 is shit
Season 7 is shit but people forget because
Season 8 is such a shit ending that it taints the entire show so thoroughly even normalfags recoiled in disgust

t. Bookfag who watched the first four seasons then tapped out and only watched from the sidelines, so feel free to disregard my opinion if you want. I am right though.

Stephen king you’d have like ten games and most would be some fucked up horror shit