Naval Combat Games

I love Graf Spee! What's your favorite warship, Zig Forums?
Carriers are not welcome.

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Outta the way peck

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Too many dakka.

I wish WoWs wasn't grindy F2P Russian shit.


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Battlestations midway on Xbox 360 was great when I was a kid

For me, it's Cold Waters.

I found CW to be too arcadey to be enjoyable. It feels like the game wants you to do ebin torpedo dodges rather than simply avoid detection in the first place.

SMS König.

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It's arcadey enough to be enjoyable actually. Being on a submarine is boring as fuck, that's why Silent Hunter has a 4000x time lapse option

What are some good naval combat games

For me, it's the Vaquelin and North Carolina

It's not good, but I play World of Warships

>Spending time and money on wg game
Wtf is wrong your people?

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Command: Modern Operations if you want peak autism for any naval/air conflict post WWII.

Also, no idea if they'll actually be good or not, but there are a couple of upcoming Micropose games that look worth keeping an eye on. Task Force Admiral and Sea Power.

I have a thing for british destroyers

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Silent Hunter if you have mild autism, Dangerous Waters if you have late-stage autism.

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Why did the age of Battleships have to end bros

I just played my first ever game of World of warships and it was super fun!

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>world of warships
>super fun

Are there any good age of sail games? I've been reading pic related and I really want to command a Frigate on the high seas right now

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I'm really very fond of the dog boats
I think they're technically ships

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Probably the second most important vessel of the war, after the escort carriers. There is no duty more glorious than to ensure safe passage of materiel!

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I love this game model
>Start as an open beta with a neat idea
>Promise to eventually develop into a full flung game
>Instead expand waaay beyond the game's original scope to milk every single cent out of it as possible
>Never leave open beta ever
>Be sure to scam players along the way
>Eventually kill the central server and make the game unplayable when it stops being profitable.

There used to be Naval Action but, like any game made by a Russian dev, it walked the path of: Good original concept, murdered at the hands of greed. There are P2W DLC ships which cost more than the base game itself now.

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Jesus, yeah I had it on my wishlist for a while but I saw the reviews and got discouraged. There's gotta be some other realistic-ish game like that.

I am on the last book of the Horatio Hornblower series and I've got the same craving for naval gameplay that you do. Right now I'm playing AC: Black Flag, which scratches the itch a little bit. It's a poor, arcady simulation of the age of sail and murder simulator. You don't really need to pay any attention to the wind and the only control you have over the sails is how many are up or down. I probably killed 60 people in the first two hours of play. It is mindless though and it gets points for that right now.

Sea of Thieves is probably what you're looking for. You and a crew of up to 3 others run a ship in a multiplayer world. There's not much story, but as a tall ship simulator, I'm not sure there's anything out there that's better. Winds will change as you travel. Sails are manually operated and you have fine control over how much sail to expose and which direction to point them. If you have a crew of 4 who will listen to you, it actually feels like you're a captain of a ship.


The fun in Sea of Thieves comes from the emergent multiplayer gameplay. The most fun I've had was sneaking up on an island where another galleon was docked and their entire crew was searching for treasure. We had one person stay on the ship and keep far away. The other ship was loaded with treasure that they had found, probably 3-4 hours of work. We unloaded the booty and hid it at a rendezvous point on the opposite side of an isthmus where they could not see us. My buddy was seen by their crew running their treasure away, so he just swam to sea, to not give away our rendezvous location. Our captain on the ship went to the rendezvous to bring aboard the treasure with our 4th crewman. As I was on the enemy ship when this happened, I brought up the capstan by myself, it took a looong time, beached the ship, and blew up a powder keg in the bottom of the hold. I grabbed one more piece of treasure and swam out to sea. Me and the other thief got picked up by our captain and we made for a shanty town to sell the goods. It ended up being a tense journey because the first two that we went to had other ships docked and we did not want to risk getting looted, but we finally found a safe, empty port on the third place we tried.

There aren't that many games that can deliver an experience like that.

anyone else slightly looking forward to War Thunder's bigger boats update?


>We're gonna stick to smaller craft
>oh no wait here's cruisers
>here have dreadnaughts
Read this one