rate and hate
3x3 time
you like grey and blue
what about yellow
all those games are very good
>same game three times
>Human Revolution
You disgust me.
+Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro
-The Witcher, Dishonored, Prey, Vampire the Masquerade
Reminder that human revolution was the HIGHEST rated game on steam before they removed it for the directors cut
the original release is way better than the directors cut, they fucked up
basically this. did you honestly expect people to say bad things about dark souls and deus ex? that was the equivalent of imdb top 50
I cant help that I have better taste than you
Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro are all absolutely amazing. The rest is garbage.
4/4 +Bloodlines, Dude Sex, DaS, BB
And F3 is rated higher than New Vegas on Metacritic. Fuck's your point?
this is OP and I like all these. You're wrong about the rest though. Why don't you experience these amazing games user.
Two of those aren't even out yet.
I cringed bigly.
no it doesnt. metacritic and steam are very different
3/8 + VtMB, DaS, BB, - Deus Ex, DE: HR, Witcher, Dishonored, Prey
tried at least 3 times each to get into Dishonored and Prey but find them far too boring
>putting unreleased games on there
mad lad
3/6 + FNV, Ghost Trick, REmake, - MGS3, MGS2, Chrono
>I cringed bigly.
Sorry you cant get into KINO zoomer
>Two of those aren't even out yet.
big + for timesplitters 2 and big - for RDR2
You are that fuckhead from dmc thread?
You finally changed your shitty 3x3 shovelware to something new? Sral tebe v rot
I'm ready for all the h8
I need to fish out my PS1 and replay Abe's Oddysee. It's been way too long.
remove the nintendfag shit and you have a good 3x3
KH1 was one of the worst games ive ever played. The soundtrack was the only redeeming quality
5/5 +Dragon's Dogma +SotC +Ghost Trick +Bloodborne + Hollow Knight
6/7 +MGS 3 +MGS2 +New Vegas +Ghost Trick +MGS 1 +TTD -Chrono Trigger
My ghost trick niggas.
7/8 +Deus Ex +Human Revolution +Dark Souls +Bloodborne +Sekiro +Dishonored +Prey -Witcher
I got filtered by the first Witcher, never touched the sequels.
>guys, do I fit in now?
>and big - for RDR2
based, I agree.
shit, dogshit, ok, shit, shit, shit, ok, great, shit
>shovelware kamiyahomo entered the thread
You showed up
Muh shiteating nigga
Good thing I put KH2, not 1
oh never played that nevermind im wasted
>I got filtered by the first Witcher, never touched the sequels.
It's for the better, the Witcher games 2 and onwards were taken over by leftist propagandists.
The witcher 1 was unironically one of the best games ever made. 2 and 3 are a fucking disgrace.
I normally don't mind your choices since they all seem pretty cohesive, but fucking Tides of Numenera? the original Planescape is leagues better, hell, even Tyranny is better than that
Its so hard to make top 10 lists of games as theres way more games than that which I love. Like I could post 10 but I would feel stupid as I'd be leaving out stuff that people would be like "WHY NO XYZ" when those games would be 11, 12 and 13.
Kait's cute, you would don't lie
It's not there for your approval bitch. I alternate what I play into the grid
>alternate what I play
the idea is to be your top 9 favorites
Indeed, but you have to remember those games weren't made with gamers in mind, they were made were zoomer secondaries who don't care about the game they're playing and just seek a quick dopamine boosts. Witcher 2-3 were made for dumb consoomers and sold exactly to that crowd, which is unfortunately the majority of people who claim to like games these days.
You do you
It's fucking sad that games are sold to the greg millers of the world. We will never get another masterpiece again.
Thats crazy lol. Man fuck square enix for fucking up deus ex MD. We'll never get another game in the series
Nope, never. It's why I don't even bother with anything, unless it's at least 10 years old. That seems to be the rough cutoff date for when games became completely unsalvagable.
MD would have been kino if they didnt try to split it into 3 games. The jensen is a clone reveal would have been top notch.
I'm posting one of these and you can't stop me
>Deus Ex died for Avengers
why? I own both on steam. whats wrong with new one
After the inevitable success of cyberpunk 2077 we will undoubtedly get another deus ex but it wont be what we want it to be.
Brainlet here. How do you post them in tidy organised boxes like this?
This is the most tryhard 'zoomer pretending to be oldfag' list I've ever seen.