>Backstory of the abomination/mutant enemy is that it was supposed to be the army's "super-soldier"
Backstory of the abomination/mutant enemy is that it was supposed to be the army's "super-soldier"
Other urls found in this thread:
>logs spread out all over the base where they tell you all their secrets
>audio logs filled with escalating dread
>final log ends with sounds of screaming and destruction
>backstory of the scientist is he used to be a genius but lost a person important to him after which he lost himself in his research, ultimately turning mad
bonus points if it was his daughter
>"my research is getting close. to obtain the cure i just need the... huh? what was that noise? who's there? oh no! arghhhh!!! AAAAAHHHGGGHHHHH!!!!
>death screams written in notebook
>i'm going to kill one of these two
>you decide
>confront the abomination
>scientist's still-sentient head is incorporated into its body
>he screams as he charges at you
>Cure that was supposed to get rid of the super-disease instead turned every single person into a zombie/rage monster
I hate this trope with every fiber of my being
why did they stop making zombies from hell/ vodoo magic?
>game presents a hard moral choice
too campy i guess, burgers started taking zombies seriously after the success of the walking dead
Maybe he was dictating.
>"No I was so close to perfecting my formula before you ruined everything"
>Nerdy scientist proceeds to jab himself with syringe
>proceeds to turn into heaving mass of Flesh
>boss fight
is there anything more boring?
can i make a quicksafe? i don't want to abandon the guy, i just want a qick peak at the good life. i swear
Python, pls.
>Scientists notebook has irrelevant shit in it about how he misses his family
Focus on your formulas fucker
what do you even mean by campy?
The person I am now would let him in but the retard I was as a teenager would have abandoned him.
silly, not very "realistic"
americans want zombies to be realistic? what the fuck america, zombies aren't real, let them be fun again
>Zombies created by Voodoo/magic/Satan: not realistic blablabla
>Zombies created by parasite,virus: realistic
>If you kill them you will be as bad as them
pretty much. if it's magic or has supernatural elements: bullshit. if it's a virus/disease/lab experiment gone wrong: SCIENCE FICTION!
>been in this scenario a handful of times in my life
>always sided with the loner
>always regretted it in the end
I would let him in. Most of my best friends have always been outcasts.
Enable keyboard shortcuts in [Settings] > Navigation and memorize them.
i hate the weird distinction between fantasy and science fiction. it's both the same. just say an ai went rouge and is trapping human conciousness in a nightmare dimension after they die and tortures them for a million years per second, then releases them onto earth as murder robots made of flesh. also, the rouge ai is the first ai created by the godlike ai that created the fake universe we live in. literally bible, but with robots
>Villain has actual good arguments for what he does
>You can't join him, even if the game gives you the option
>*shoots him*
>No...I'm better
>the only friend you had was this kind of outcast, but you were as well so there was no choice
>he proceeded to become an obnoxious faggot normie who is talking about him drinking, partying and fucking bitches
>you stop being friends some time after when this faggot invites you to his parties but then forgets about it and tells you it was cancelled
eh the timeline thing in the new order was cool
but yeah story wise it doesn't make much sense
>villain ask you a question
>one of your party member answer for you
>hero is mute
>everyone in the game somehow just knows and accepts this and it's never explicitly mentioned
>silent protagonist
>defeat mid-game boss in hard fight
>he joins your party
>he's suddenly shit
>escort mission
>game over if the NPC gets killed
>they die in a cutscene afterwards anyway
>Zombies created by parasite,virus: realistic
What is rabies?
>beat boss
>lose to boss in following cutscene
>do long quest for legendary weapon/armor
>it gets outmatched in 2 hours gametime
Can't relte because I'm the loner in this scenario.
>he brought pizza
dudes my new best friend