>Demon's Souls >extremely niche game >flopped so bad Sony wouldnt finance the next one, they had to ask Namco to make an unifficial sequel
DS3 is flopped cause there is no DS4 XD same for BB
Kayden Bailey
which part of this makes you hate gamers?
Dylan Ramirez
>flopped so bad Sony wouldnt finance the next one
>Sony then finances bloodborne
Andrew Butler
I am 19, I am too young to have played the original
Spending god knows how much for a retro console + an expensive old game is not worth it compared to just paying 70 to play it on a console I already have
Christian Parker
>after Dark Souls sold millions
Nathan Sullivan
They get to revamp the old Souls title that helped propel the series/genre into the place it's in now, what's the issue? They could re-release the game as it was and it'd probably do alright because of how popular Souls/Soulslike games are, but they're doing the whole thing over again.
You can have some problems with design choices, but if you're a fan of the series I don't see why you're seething so much right now.
Gavin Wood
In their defense when Demon's Souls came out there were no epic youtubers that covered it for being a really hardcore game for really hardcore gamers. Most of Dark Souls success is owed to pewdipie and such.
Caleb Wright
>They get to revamp >they're doing the whole thing over again. Except the DE-make is made by untalented american diversity hires, not the original team. Miyazaki has nothing to do with this abomination
Bentley Murphy
and Bloodborne failed in term of sales, /v like t o shitposting about it, but that game barely sold 3 mil in one year.
Michael Miller
enjoy your vastly inferior experience on your shiny new overpriced toaster, retarded zoomer.
Sorry your honorabu nipon developers aren't working on it I guess?
Game will probably be pretty good, worst case scenario it's a casualized step down from the old formula and we can worry about what that means down the line. Won't know until it's out so put your katana away
Christian Parker
You can emulate it now and it'll be a far better experience because you can run it at a stable 60 FPS w/ online
Colton Green
lmao the original is on a ps3 that can be picked up for around $150
Luis Perry
Demon's Souls didn't flop at all. The problem was that SCEA (the America division) refused to publish it in NA. Atlus was the one that took the risk and actually made a ton of money.
Asher Fisher
>invest the smallest amount of resources possible to make a game pretty >know console fags will be starved for games so they'll eat it up either way
Wyatt Foster
How dare you, Bluepoint games is based
Colton Edwards
I bought the original when it came out It’s been a decade, I’m just happy I get to replay it in a way
Brandon Moore
No real fan would like any of these changes. Bluepoint games are really shitty developers with terrible tastes.
Christopher Lee
This isn't spotlight, this is like giving the zelda remake to some nintendo hire this man tier studio like bluepoint
Parker Walker
why is last gen so beautiful?
Landon Price
Pretty sure picking up a PS3 with the original would be cheaper than picking up a PS5 with the remake.
Eli Clark
That's two gens back.
Dylan Rogers
When demons souls was shown to shu for the first time it was in a horrible state, it's only logical sony had no faith in the game.
Robert Turner
>flopped They kept the servers for Demon's Souls open for like 2 extra years because of it's popularity. The fuck are you on about?
Kevin Wilson
The changes are just really really bad. It should frankly be illegal for anyone but the original developers to do remakes. Outsourcing is always a mistake.
Josiah Johnson
>You now know how skaters felt in the 90's >You now know how foodies felt when gordon ramsay goes to their favorite hole-in-the-wall fish taco joint >You now know how book fans feel whenever they get a popular hollywood adaptation
Don't be sad it's gone, be glad it happened. Few people will ever experience finding a limited copy of DeS at gamestop and looking up 360p shaky cam footage on how to beat the maneaters. That is what this game will always represent.