Age of Calamity

12 more days

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I can't wait to see that fish get cucked

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Link is a volcel and everyone’s getting cucked. Including inbred princess Zelda

Is she covering her dolphingina?

Fix framerate


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Interestingly enough despite artist (?) name I cant find source

Will they fix the slideshow frame rates?

Probably not, links awakening still hasn’t been fixed

ok but would you actually breed with Mipha? and raise zora/human babies? what if they are born with fishtism?
I would breed with all BoTW girls but the main one would be Riju

I would breed with Mipha, the kids would most likely be just Zora given that we see no half breeds

I can't wait to play as Riju!

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I would definitely cum inside but breeding wouldnt be possible due to incompatible DNA

Hylians can breed with Gerudos at the very least

got any proof

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I don't get the appeal of musou games.
I downloaded the demo and tried to like it but it just seems so mind numbing boring. You walk from arena to arena and slaughter hundreds of fodder enemies who pose no threat. Occasionally you get a big target that requires a modicum of attention and doging while you whittle down its health, but in the end it's all just the same to me. This makes regular zelda combat look like it has actual depth.
I guess I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube if the story is good.

>Incompatible DNA
Didn't stop fish girls and demon pig centaurs from existing. That won't stop you now.

One thing being created by magic originally and another is natural pro-creation process.
You can jam your cum inside her womb as much as you want, with your fist, up to the stomatch but it wont work

Musou games that are not dynasty warriors are shallow as fuck. The good ones create scenarios to slow you down during timed events and create what if scenarios depending on the outcome. If you want a good example of the genre play Dynasty warriors 8XL. The One piece one is only really enjoyable if you're a fan of the series. As a game it fits in with the rest of the clones.

There are no male gerudoes yet the gerudoes keep reproducing

May be they divide like cells

Dialog in BOTW says that some Gerudo little girls have hylian fathers.

Replaying HW in anticipation
Never did much with the Switch version beyond finishing the story, so I've got plenty to keep myself busy with

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Gerudos only have one male born every 100 years or something. They capture Hylians to be their boyfriends. That's been a thing since they were introduced in OoT.

Okay, sure but then that is not breeding. If DNA is compatible then you get a mix-product (obviously it is a bit more complex than that but there is inheritance from both sides), however in case of Gerudo there is no mixed-inheritance, it just pure Gerudo. That means they can "breed" with any seed from any creature but essentially only using it as a base building blocks, the rest of DNA is their. So there is no actual "breeding", since there is no your part in the offspring.
KEKED even in videogames jesus fuck

I like the egg

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I’m willing to bet it’ll be in the botw sequel. It was clearly built to sell merchandise

Did you not play the game?

Twilight Princess confirms Hylian-Zora offspring exist

Gerudo girls take primarily from the mother, but the Gerudo have gotten pointy ears from millennia of breeding with Hylians, meaning they all carry some Hylian DNA

got a proof of ancient gerudo versus a dozen of generations after

I played TP and don’t recall that

>got a proof of ancient gerudo versus a dozen of generations after
Ocarina of Time? round ears.
[Unspecified Amount of time between LoZ/FSA/ST and Sheikah industrial revolution + 10,000 years]
Breath of the Wild? pointed Hylian ears.

>Queen Rutela
Hyrule: Total War is not canon.