That one game you can play forever without getting tired of it

>that one game you can play forever without getting tired of it

what's their name, Zig Forums?

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Halo 2.


Doesn't exist


Devil May Cry 3/5

Crash Bandicoot

Gta iv

Age of Empires 2
Dawn of War Dark Crusade
Final Fantasy Tactics and FFTA
Dark Souls 1


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Pikmin 1, its just fun to speedrun

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

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well it's not a singular game
but monster hunter as a series in general i guess
as long as you give me new shit to bonk the fuck out of i won't get bored

Castlevania SOTN
Megaman X

What games do YOU like faggot?

Dragon's Dogma

HoMM 2 & 3

SSX Tricky/3
Mortal Kombat 2

>Super Mario 64
>Fire Emblem Path of Radiance followed by Radiant Dawn for the full Tellius experience

Deep Rock Galactic

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World of Tanks. I always seem to come back even after quitting for months at a time.



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Carrying your team while having the worst K/D ratio never gets old

Well, I don't play it daily but reinstall it at least once a year, each year.

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good taste

Okami, Bully, Oblivion.

he risks being called a gay nigga so probably wont answer.

My dick.

Terraria my green coloured nibba

terraria or nuclear throne

F-Zero GX
Battletanx: Global Assault
Pokemon Emerald

Burnout 3

SSX 3. Always feel like I go back to simpler times. Wasn't a stupid kid, but wasn't quite a teenager yet.

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gta sa


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>weeb shit
>not even the good weeb shit
Nigga you really are gay


Diablo 2

some really good hentai game if it existed

Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonin 3&K
That's not one but fuck you.

Used to be VJ1, but then one day I stopped playing it and never had the urge to replay it. Haven't had any game give me that feeling before or after.

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Been playing on and off since 2009 and I don't see myself stopping, it's just dumb fun
Although TF2C is better

Crazy how the open world sequel is less replayable than a 5 hours linear game

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Doesn't exist

There's a bunch of them that I got.

Devil May Cry 5
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Rising

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Kerbal Space Program

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