Post Kino FPSs

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pic unrelated i guess
overrated trash hailed by zoomers who never touched quake

shit taste

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whatever helps you sleep at night zoomzoom
you want to play a true quake spiritual successor, buy wrath

Do paypiggies really?

Attached: Fury Screenshot 2019.08.17 - (1920x1080, 363.54K)

Quake looks prettier but the weapons and enemies are very bland. It's style over substance.


i want to go back bros....

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and ionpilled

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quake's enemies are visually distinct and all fill a specific role, you can also immediately tell what you're going up against by their shapes and sounds
dusk has a roblox/minecraft problem
>weapons are bland
yeah not like there's 20 years between them or anything
>complete and utter failure at reviving duke's spirit

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I liked it, then the parity patch came to pc

Quake has a dogshit campaign, it's saved by deathmatch. Dusk has a really good campaign.

Blood with the Death Wish mod

the dumbest post i've read all week

Nice, just played this recently and came here to post it. Almost.
I liked the first game more.

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Holy based

Attached: Jre1.8.0_171 Screenshot 2018.07.16 - (1920x1080, 1.35M)

I would have enjoyed Dusk if it came out 20 years ago, but now it just has that stench of zoomers trying to hard and that just kills the fun. There never will be a good game again like Quake, because that kind of soul has long been eradicated from gaming.

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100% kino from start to finish

>yeah not like there's 20 years between them or anything
Literally "it's bad, but it's old, so it's good". Doom has better weapons that Quake. No excuse.
>I would have enjoyed Dusk if it came out 20 years ago
So you're not judging these games by their quality at all. You're either trolling or "old good new bad" has corrupted your brain to the point where you can't think critically. Plenty of good FPS games are coming out these days; you just don't want to like them. Maybe you have depression or something, I don't know.

Your boomer charade was shaky but you blew all credibility here.

Not him but I've been playing and enjoying a ton of new retro FPS games lately. Hell, I even played Blood for the first time because I never played it back in the day and I loved it. Dusk is just a mediocre game. If it actually came out in the days the devs wish it did no one would even remember it now.

Surprisingly still fun. I legit forgot HL1's survival horror vibes until I played this.

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Mildly unrelated, but while I absolutely adore the character designs in this game, I hate the fucking texture work. Everything's too pixelated, which isn't what that shit looked like at all.

Can someone post a list of retro fps? I forgot to screencap the one posted last thread.

Just kidding, it's not kino. I just wanted an excuse to post it because it's Slavjank

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Yes zoomer, that is exactly the case.

I'm judging it in relation to what it wants to be. When you put it next to old GOOD FPS games, the issue of soulless design becomes abundantly clear. I also really disliked the music. You could tell that the songs in Quake and Doom were meticulously crafted to add to the enjoyment of the games, whereas Dusk constantly feels like it just wants you to post them as part of your epic review video. This awardbait nature apparently worked out as well, since the guy did the music for Doom Eternal's DLC, though working on nuDoom is a dubious honor in and of itself.