Since Sega is going bankrupt whose gonna scoop Sonic's IP up first...

Since Sega is going bankrupt whose gonna scoop Sonic's IP up first? Who do you want to get it and who do you want not to get it and why?

Who I want:Nintendo
Why? Because most of the people behind generations and Unleashed work for Nintendo now and genesis era sonic titles would come to eshop
Who I don't want to get it: Sony
Why? Because they'll redesign Sonic, force SJW shit into his stories and his cast's stories probably force Amy, Blaze or a new female character down our throats since they're in commifornia and already broke ties with Japan.

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Valve so there's no more games

I wouldn't want that because Nintendo hates fangame developers.

Valve wouldn't have the money to afford the IP you fucking retard.

Retard, its only Sega Sammy going under
No retarded company like Nintendo, nor Snoy, nor even Microsoft will ever get their hands on them.
Sides if anyone's gonna get them it'll be the based and redpilled Capcom knowing how Megaman and Sonic worked so well for them

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>Since Sega is going bankrupt
You wish, faggot

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>Who I want:Nintendo
>Why? Because most of the people behind generations and Unleashed work for Nintendo
Fucking hell, you want more bad games?

Boost gameplay is way better than Adventure gameplay

>Retard, its only Sega Sammy going under
You mean the fucking PARENT company? That's even worse

They went on to work Odyssey. Do you think that was a bad game?