You have 10 seconds to name a superior beastslaying tool than pic related

You have 10 seconds to name a superior beastslaying tool than pic related.

Spoiler alert: You can't.

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i cant


I would rather use this literal piece of shit than the SAIF

Attached: Rifle Spear Descr.png (249x250, 77.01K)


>dude just cover the edge with bandages
dumb and ugly. that look only works on saw weapons

Hunter axe

Saif is gang shit

I tried so many times to get that dogshit weapon to do something

Amy arm

Attached: 49322-God-of-War-2018-Foam_Axe_Left-1300x.jpg (867x1300, 298.74K)

Stake driver is the best weapon, both practically as it can attack extremely quickly allowing you to pin beasts down and negate their speed and also in terms of amazing hype potential with the giant punch.

i got one right here bud

Attached: average canadian mosin.jpg (1395x640, 77.39K)

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Nothin' personnel... kid...

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That handle looks like it would break just from the weight of the fucking thing much less swinging it around

Actually the best weapon is about 50 feet away.

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That's not the Church Pick

Attached: Church Pick.jpg (480x360, 37.75K)

One of my favorite Soulsborne weapons ever. Just finished my Bloodtinge Chikage build, transform attacks chained back to back is some of the coolest shit possible. In fact almost all the weapons in Bloodborne were spectacular.

Attached: chikage.jpg (1200x647, 132.71K)

>We never got Orphan's weapon

Damn you Miyazakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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How did he get my dick?

Lets be honest, who would survive Yharnam?

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the bandages are to absorb blood.

Bloodletter is so much fun. Close second is Pizzacutter.

kirkhammer and hunter axe.

Not him but literally look at it. Sure the lore reason is to absorb blood but it literally doesn't make any sense. If you attack someone with it your two options are a) it does not do fucking anything or b) the bandages are sliced off by the blade as it collides with the enemy. I didn't even notice until he pointed it out but it's fucking retarded.

Beast claws with Beast's Embrace. To overcome the hunt, one must embrace the hunt.

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have you played the game? clearly not. if you had you would noitce the bandages do not get sliced off, meaning they are quite durable.

In the order of likelihood:

Silent Hill bitch

Dante has no chance of losing, Xenomorph would get eaten alive by tons of enemies present in the game. I don't know why a regular person from Silent Hill is around.

I'm gonna be honest I just don't have time for this shit right now man. The least you could have done is try to be entertaining or something but that shit was just dumb and unfunny.

i mean, its your own fault you dont have time to play the game, so try to keep your uneducated opinions about it to yourself.

don't mind me just posting the most based weapon there is

Attached: 455a065241e9612d2c58907e1e7a6f53.jpg (1070x700, 80.08K)

it's not serrated therfore garbage.


Attached: Yamato_(DA)_DMC4SE.png (504x339, 133.49K)

shame you hardly ever get to use the only good thing about it. its a glorified dagger

I tried to like that thing. I really did. But the range is just too dogshit and the scaling is meh. The trick R2 is the most based attack in the game but you almost never get to use it.


One handed Church Pick feels more like a dagger to me. It really throws people off in pvp when you just walk up to someone and R1. It's a super fast stab.

good for you. you got one stab off. my point is its boring until you get a chance to use the only thing fun about it.

The meme charge attack is not even that visually impressive. Lame weapon

Hunter from the Monster Hunter series