Final boss is the game developer

>final boss is the game developer

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Why do women put their thumb through a hole in their sleeves?

it's one of those fingerless long gloves you dumb incel

>final boss is the president of sega

That's a guy holding him.

A guy would have to be a raging faggot or tranny to wear something like that. It's pink for fucks sake. Look at the material and design. Plus the girly thumb hole. And that nail has clearly been manicured.

Attached: faggot.jpg (1024x576, 49.01K)

Yep. That's a raging faggot alright.

funnily enough the reason why theres so many trannies in the west compared to japan for is western values
the "men do manly things" and the "girls do girly things" has made anyone who likes anything girly think that maybe they're a girl and vice versa

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