What are the best Metroidvania and Classicvania games? For me it's a tie between Aria of Sorrow and Symphony of the Night for metroid and a tie between Rondo of Blood and Bloodlines for classic.
Castlevania thread
Good taste, user
Circle of the Moon has a lot of GBA nostalgia for me but it's objectively worse than other portable titles. Card system was cool tho
I just beat my first Castlevania game, Rondo of Blood, and loved it. Now I'm about 8 hours into SotN and I'm bored, probably gonna drop it. I guess Metroidvanias aren't for me, I find running around a massive connected map looking for loot and powerups boring, whereas I loved the short and snappy RoB levels.
Thanks. I've actually haven't played Circle of the Moon yet, but I'll check it out.
Buy the Anniversary Collection, then.
just drop sotn, it's a curse on the castlevania lineage. Give bloodlines a shot
How many of the Castlevania games are currently on sale? I wanna emulate them, but only if there's no option to buy them. It's a thing I have.
For example, is the anniversary edition still being sold, or would you have to buy it second hand?
The Anniversary Collection is available digitally.
Ah, okay. Thanks for clarifying.
I probably had the most fun with Aria and Dawn of Sorrow. SotN is good but gets worse with every play through.
Honestly you could make a case for any classicvania being the best except for Dracula X.
No problem, user.